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Everything posted by Craneo

  1. I have barely progressed ever on Strife but I saw someone post a nice Doom-rifled Acolyte on Discord and that gave me the cursed idea of a Chaingun Acolyte/Super Acolyte Credits: Rogue, Id Software, Xim, Mechadon, Skulltag, Vader no plans to finish it, if anyone wants to pick up this concept and finish it, you have my go-ahead!
  2. While talking in the D64 Discord server I realized the D64 two-bladed Chainsaw does look a bit like a bunny So here, a Bunsaw!
  3. Me gustaria participar, aunque no se si lo llegare a hacer la verdad, ya vere...
  4. Does the map have to be a 1:1 recreation of the real life location? I haven't been in the place I wanna recreate in years and I don't really have money to travel there atm lol, so I kinda want to recreate it based on vague memories and pics from Google....
  5. (By the way, I am awaiting some feedback for a v1.0 release, which is also gonna include a sword blocking mechanic, zoom for most weapons, impact grenades for the mortar as altfire and a few fixes)
  6. A few days ago I started this new side project, a not-so-faithful adaptation of DUSK for GZDoom and Zandronum that aims to have a more classic 2D sprite look (the 3D in the name is semi-ironic as well as a nod to Duke3D and Wolf3D, which had sprites and not models), for now some features are sort-of missing like the climbing thing and a more Superhot-like timestop, and I've taken a few creative liberties as well, the mod should also work on Deathmatch gamemodes and multiplayer but that hasn't been fully tested outside of offline skirmishes with bots, future updates will add some cut content and balance the mod more, as well as map editor number stuff for people that may wanna make their own pwads with this as a base. CREDITZ: (please notify me in DMs here on DW if I forgot to credit anyone) Screenshots: (custom palette not included) Download: Dawn3D_v1.2.rar
  7. Yeah seems Doomworld compressed them, may repost them later in a zip/rar file with the sheets and all...
  8. Carrion.rar Initial release for the Carrion zombie, originally made for BD64, but free to use in projects, credits to Amuscaria, as always if I forgot to credit anyone please notify me.
  9. Does anyone have a list of PWADs that replace Keen with actual enemies? (capable of moving and attacking and such) similar to Scythe 2's Afrit, Eviternity's Astral Cacos and such...
  10. Diabolus Ex, while I have not played it, I know it follows a Cyberpunk theme, I think it's just one level tho? not sure, but I'm sure it's worth checking out regardless.
  11. I really need to "port" that thread and the NuDoom sprites one here someday lol edit to not doublepost, a new render thingy, thanks to Millenia for the model
  12. Oye, estoy seguro que la mayoría de Doomworld no habla Español, deberías intentar hablar en Ingles

    1. coquito_renovado


      si ahora que lo veo si XD

  13. I've told this story so many times on Discord at this point I think, but sure, I'll post it in this forum too: (my story with Doom is longer but I think these are the only relevant bits to the thread)
  14. 64 Doom 1 and 2 Hangmen assets.rar
  15. I don't know how "failed" this console was, but since it never went out of Japan as far as I know, I don't think it was a super big sucess, right? so, when I was a kid I found about the Wonderswan via emulation, and played a lot of it, specially the Digimon games, so I may be a bit biased, but I have fond memories with it...
  16. I don't think there are many mods specifically made for Hacx, despite it being compatible with ZDoom's engine and all that.
  17. Aight, no problem. EDIT: semi-unrelated Doom 64 Gunrack textures: EDIT again: Binbows!!!
  18. That one enemy from Skulltag, his name was "Linguini" or something, that Baron of Hell holding a tomato, man he was horrifiying, I'm glad he doesn't exist in real life...
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