Another attempt at translating/frankenspriting a random community monster to a more D64-like artstyle, thought this guy used mostly Blood sprite bits and the Duke Battlelord chainguns, still tried to make it not look super obvious and gave it a D64-like color palette, original Angel of Death was made for the Doom X mod, so credits to Doom X's author (Melvin Flynt, to my knowledge)
BOOM, another one.
Doom 64 Sabaoth concept Credits: Midway, Monolith, Rogue Entertainment, 3DRealms, Gorman Freebmane, DrDoctor, PlamzDoom
One last edit, that Sabaoth frankensprite I just did, but kinda more Classic Doom-ish I guess? I mean, torso and arm are still the D64 cybie's so....