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Everything posted by Craneo

  1. That one time I played D2DarkWorld with HDest, got stuck on The Crusher level equivalent, kept dying and was surrounded by demons that wouldn't stay dead, also accidentally overwrote my BDP D2Reloaded save with that HDest save while savescumming to try and survive that shit... ironically also overwrote that HDest save eventually while playing another mod...
  2. middle texture, similar to stuff like midbars or the vine textures, just set to be very close to the walls.
  3. A Marble Romero texture, may include it on a future Decotex update. EDIT: Took the hell exit sign from @Nootrac4571's post a bit up there and tried to turn it into a sorta wood variant for Heretic: btw maybe the demons could write "LEAVE" instead of "EXIT"? that'd make more sense maybe, idk
  4. leaves taken from @osjclatchford's shrub prop.
  5. A joke texture, perhaps not too relevant anymore idk, won't be on Decotex. EDIT: and now a texture that WILL be on Decotex: Heretic's DMNMSK door(?) but it's a Caco and with the hellish dark metal colors EDIT2: another Decotex texture, D64 Marine stained glass, credits to Id Software, Raven Software, ItsNatureToDie, Mark Quinn just the Marine if anyone wanna take inspiration and do a classic-styled D64 Marine:
  6. An attempt at giving the Hexen trees the Doom tree bark texture/style
  7. Edited the dead Blood civilian prop to try and fit it to Doom's style
  8. some just for fun ad texture based on a cut Quake 3 DoomGuy quote where he sarcastically says what seems to be an enlistment slogan. credits to Mechadon, Eevee and Hidfan
  9. I really wish I was a good mapper cuz I been enjoying making custom titlepics and logos for wads that will never exists lmao I could make it a gameplay mod tho 🤔
  10. a shitpost-y sprite based on Duke Nukem's alien troopers credits to 3D Realms and ofcourse Id Software
  11. "Demonoid" initial concept Credits to: Capt J, HorrorMovieRei, TotalTS and Shallow B Do plan to continue/finish it.
  12. Some prop/texture thingy, a "Chaos Ouroboros" meant to be either made yellow or gray as gold or stone decorations Two examples: Another funny easteregg thing: I can't believe the wise magical tree fucking died. Wooden exit sign edited from @Nootrac4571's hell exit sign
  13. sorta work in progress but really wanted to show it off, lacks firing frames and a proper pickup, I still have the truecolor version too, since I wanna have one in Doom palette and another in Blood's palette. name suggestions appreciated (then again, most modders will give whatever name they want lol) EDIT: TADAA! Fun Fact 🥰 IT WAS ONCE HUMAN. IT IS STILL SENTIENT.
  14. Forgot to post this here didn't I? A Classic-styled 64Mancubus made using an upscaled NMN Harkubus chest and a heavily edited Blood fat zombie face
  15. a little bit of subtle noise then a posterization filter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterization EDIT: also the Duke Nukem and Quake ones are paletted with their respective games palettes Edited again not to clutter the thread with doubleposts: Attempt at a TNT 64 interpic render thing
  16. an attempt at a Wolf3D Captain America, would be a player ally I guess, and have a block and shield bash attack on top of the usual chaingun, I won't finish these sprites, if anyone wants to pick them up and finish them, feel free to!
  17. meat texture made by me using Paint dot Net filters original res: EDIT: two more, eyes ver and red ver Edit 2: what if it was red AND had eyes?? EDIT 3: bleeding eyes & rotting meat
  18. Note to self, finish Ocarina of Time.
  19. Some Duke Nukem GMod render, didn't know how to pose him so I just made him hold fast food to a dead cycloid.
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