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Everything posted by Craneo

  1. Some pictures I took today that show how far Freedoom has come as a project earliest Freedoom iwad release avaiable (0.6.4) VS latest (as of these screenshots) Github autobuild taken from the same maps (which also have gotten total facelifts geometry-wise, some aren't recognizable anymore, even!)
  2. A third attempt at a D64 Marauder concept, this one feels more adequate, hopefully I'll finish it someday. credits to Midway, NMN, DrDoctor and DrPyspy
  3. There is also this other monster @Nmn made, that I feel would make for a good D'Sparil replacement, also CC0, just needs to have the gun removed, perhaps a few color changes too like red blood and such https://opengameart.org/content/monster-mutant-leader-for-fps-game Here is an idea on how I'd make it to look like.
  4. A skybox with mutliple demonic Atlas figures holding planes of existance hostage, I call this sky "Borderworlds", the idea is that you can see these Atlas of Hell in the background holding literal pieces of reality itself and have a sort of IoS Atlas fight at the end of whatever Megawad uses these, was partially inspired by Ultrakill's Minos (husk) being seen in the background of the Lust layer as a "looming threat" Truecolor Paletted credits to Mechadon and Id Software, AFAIK the original author of the statue is unknown.
  5. a demonic Atlas holding Deimos hostage on his shoulders, originally made for a custom skybox texture but still sharing the creature itself if people wanna use it for a prop
  6. first column is the front frame, I just felt the side-ish frame would look better for the death anim frames are in fact in order, 1, 2/8, 3/7, 4/6 and 5
  7. Would @Nmn's Hindring work well as a new Beast spriteset, if we are considering community-made original works? https://opengameart.org/content/monster-mutant-for-fps-game if we are allowed to, here is a Blasphemer palette recolor I quickly threw together:
  8. BOO!

    1. Grungo


      Haha that's just a common house cat

  9. assorted Doom 64 used/scrapped/broken "big" ammo pickups (backpack included), made with BD64 v2.666 in mind, small pickups may just use casing sprites (and an explotion crater maybe in case of the rocket ammo) EDIT: a simple, D64 unrelated monster idea done while toying with a 3D shape filter on Paint dot Net, call it the Flesh Moon, based on Aria of Sorrow's legion boss, death anims may be a bit wonky cuz I haven't tested them, credits to Konami, SmithyGCN, Amuscaria, Sgt_Mark_IV, Id Software and Raven Software. EDIT 2: an edit of SebabDukeBoss' nude NPC Babe for Duke3D to turn her into the Doom 64 cut Gigeresque Vilegirl, may actually finish this one maybe (hopefully lmao, no promises tho)
  10. a tongue in cheek ad texture made using a pic of crappy AI hands unpaletted, full res, may try a lower res with Doom's palette later, if the joke isn't lost in translation. EDIT: PALETTED VER
  11. My attempt at D64ifying Scalliano's zombiewoman, no plans to finish it, just doing the top took me a lot of time I think...
  12. I love pineapple in pizza, I also love mint icecream, and soggy cereal. (Nothing on this post is a joke btw)
  13. I don't think I've posted this one here have I? EDIT: another render, this time of Classic DoomGuy, meant for titlepics, fully paletted, also credits to Reinchard for the HD DoomGuy face. with a background by Mechadon and a bunch of Doom sprites sprinkled around:
  14. a superzombie inspired by L4D's Tank Credits: credits: Metal_Spaghetti (head sprites), Raven Software (base), Id Software (legs), Lagi (death base), Craneo (frankensprite) I'll upload a pk3 version with individual sprites later, I also plan to give it more attacks like a properly flipped punch, a ground smash and a rock throw... in the future lol.
  15. Not a "useless" texture but certainly a very underused one, I think the only instance of it being used was in Doom 1 Episode 2's map3, and it was in an area the player could not reach, with the Cacos and nukage, I am also certain that it got deleted in Doom 2 and it's DLC.
  16. I've never played Gears of War in my life I just think the Lancer looks cool, same credits as above.
  17. even MORE silly gmod posing: Console War edition
  18. Edited the UMK3 Sub Zero friendship snowman head into a hopefully usable snowman prop: credits to Midway and to MKWarehouse for the sprites. original sprites from UMK3: EDIT: made a D64 HMG
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