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Everything posted by Craneo

  1. I just kindwa wish I had a name for the D'sparil replacement, was thinking of a Germanic last name, like, Count [last name] for the first form and [last name]'s Soul for the second form... EDIT: edited the current dark elf into the Strigoi concept I posted
  2. Some progress on a WIP new monster for Brutal Doom 64 v2.666, credits to Id Software, Midway, Raven Software, DrPyspy, DrDoctor, Amuscaria, and Sgt Mark IV as I took major inspiration from the D64 Revenant concept he made long ago on Twitter. EDIT: oh and before I forget I'll post two D64 custom weapon frankensprites I did recently, too, credits on their images.
  3. Here are some concept arts I had for the Blasphemer monsters, I had posted them before in the Heretic Discord's Blasphemer channels, but since I now have a DW acc to interact I can post them here too. Left to right: unnamed count and his second "soul" phase (D'sparil's dragon and D'sparil himself) Merewif, Ophidian replacement based on the current Weredragon/old Freedoom pinky sprites Gwyllgi, Werebeast replacement, a sort of demonic hellhound werewolf that shoots fire Strigoi, Undead Warrior replacement, had a similar idea as Shino1 for the Undead Warrior replacement it seems, thought my idea leaned more to an undead knight sorta thing, it is also eyeless and I want it to be generally creepy... I am unsure if I'll ever sprite these dudes, maybe sometime in the future whenever I feel I can make good enough 3D models and such... if anyone wants to take a shot at them, you have my permission :D Good stuff, thought I feel the face should move too, rather than being static and looking front at all times regardless of body movement, can't wait to see your stuff added!
  4. Damn, Doomworld has a per-day post limit? That's kinda uh... welll... odd?

    1. Catpho


      It's a first day thing only, to prevent spam bots.

    2. Craneo


      Hopefully I don't have to deal with it again lol, since the "first day" already passed I think...

  5. reposting these here, credits: Raven Software, Cage, Zrrion the Insect, ItsNatureToDie, NotJabba, Neoworm, Nash Muhandes, Bethesda, Blasphemer team (hopefully all the credits...) made these for a side-pet-project thingy called "Heathen's Maze", an Obsidian Doom Level Generator addon that is meant for Heretic and adds a lot of textures and such (including some from here, credited, ofcourse) and ports a lot of prefabs from the Doom version as well as some original ones. There are some other edits I probably should post but I'll save that for later maybe.
  6. So I finally created a DW account! as I needed a more stable place where to post resources as I left ZDF due to a recent controversy and also recently left Twitter due to it being detrimental to my mental health in general, ya I did that edit, may finish it, I also did a edit of the D64 imp with a more classic-like design using bits of Thief666's old x8 upscaled sprites, I am unsure if I should progress on this dude as AFAIK Thief666 isn't around anymore and I want a confirmation if I can use it in order to continue it, until then tho I'll keep that on the backburner and focus on a lot of other D64-related sprites (the caco posted above included, probably)
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