Here are some concept arts I had for the Blasphemer monsters, I had posted them before in the Heretic Discord's Blasphemer channels, but since I now have a DW acc to interact I can post them here too.
Left to right:
unnamed count and his second "soul" phase (D'sparil's dragon and D'sparil himself)
Merewif, Ophidian replacement based on the current Weredragon/old Freedoom pinky sprites
Gwyllgi, Werebeast replacement, a sort of demonic hellhound werewolf that shoots fire
Strigoi, Undead Warrior replacement, had a similar idea as Shino1 for the Undead Warrior replacement it seems, thought my idea leaned more to an undead knight sorta thing, it is also eyeless and I want it to be generally creepy...
I am unsure if I'll ever sprite these dudes, maybe sometime in the future whenever I feel I can make good enough 3D models and such... if anyone wants to take a shot at them, you have my permission :D
Good stuff, thought I feel the face should move too, rather than being static and looking front at all times regardless of body movement, can't wait to see your stuff added!