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Everything posted by Craneo

  1. Nah, they aren't a nice family, in fact we should call demon services for those poor Lost Souls...
  2. "Dude, stop eating the dust bunnies under your bed, it's unhealthy!" "Can you please stop using keptchupt instead of shampoo? Your hair smells..." "For the love of GOD Craneo stop setting dog poop on fire!" Tsk, know it alls >:/
  3. not sure if this even qualifies as a Doom picture, but some random idea I had for a monster/demon & the story that accompanies it, not that sure about giving it random body parts as hands (jaw, human hand, forehead without eyes), so that may change in the future, may also give it an exposed heart (it doesn't move and has no legs as it is inbeded into a part of the Earth), I was very much inspired by the Leviathan in Ultrakill, as well as in Shin Godzilla as well as deep sea blind fish UPDATED: made some changes to it.
  4. so turns out I uploaded the .bak file and not the .pk3 file lmao. imma fix that
  5. Motherdemon altar, credits to DrPyspy, DrDoctor and Midway.
  6. Wasn't suburbs from Doom 2 I think based on Sandy's them home and his parents house too? does that qualify as a real life location? Also obligatory mention of MyHouse.wad's house I guess.
  7. was thinking of them as reskins, not fully new weapons, I think I didn't clarify that, idk how to mod in new weapons with dehacked
  8. yeah I edited it from the rat meme picture a long time ago, even posted it on Twitter back when I was active there, I was thinking we could either make it be the rocketlauncher (throwable rats?) or the BFG (rata kills everything on sight)
  9. if you wanna use this old af shitpost sprite for something then go ahead, no idea what it could be used in tho lmao
  10. OFCOURSE you start Doom 2016 naked, it's only tradition as you ALSO start classic Doom's episodes naked, why do you think you spawn with no armor and only a pistol? (Actual 100% real sprite from the Doom.wad file)
  11. Another DecoTex update, this one adds graffiti midtext based on the ones Demios and I did for Obsidian (not the same exact ones, as most of these are more serious and Doom paletted), as well as a custom recreation of the Half-Life 2 ammo crates (includes all 4 vanilla ammotypes and a empty base for custom ammotypes) EDIT: I noticed the ammoboxes were too big, so I shrunk them, still kept the big ones tho in case anyone wants to use them, also included a few Holy-themed textures and one prop, not too sure about these but well. LINK: DECOTEX_V1.3.1.rar
  12. Two D64 custom spritesheets I did today and yesterday, credits in the images
  13. Have u guys ever played this game?? Pretty obscure 90s shooter a very great classic!!!!
  14. Aside of Paint dot Net, which is what I use, I can also recommend these two to make compiling sprites into a sheet and then decompiling them easier: to decompile a spritesheet: https://github.com/ForkandBeard/Alferd-Spritesheet-Unpacker/releases to compile a spritesheet: https://github.com/meh2481/SpriteSheeter/releases on the subject of Paint dot Net, that program also has a lot of plugins that can help you with coloring, upscaling, etc so you could also visit the Paint dot Net forums for that
  15. haha, he is meant to have a smile and two protuding tusks
  16. Yet another "just for fun" concept with no real plans to finish it, I call it the Pontifex-Vile, a higher level Arch-Vile wielding dual chainguns and shoulder rocketlaunchers, don't ask me how the fuck it would heal monsters tho, credits to Doom X for the "Angel of Death" enemy guns and cloak.
  17. A new update is on it's way with new texture edits, specifically a few more Build Edits, Raven Edits, some originals, a new painting (which has a personal story with me kinda. as it has a urban legend that terrified me as a child) and now some Half-Life/Valve texture ports/edits!
  18. I've seen them get called "Spanish Sailors", and what they say is "Alto!" on sight (which means "Stop"), and "MIERDA!" on death (which means "SHIT"), personally wish they were replaced with something that could be used as a common enemy on Freedoom itself, perhaps a scientist zombie with a smg? I don't know.
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