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  1. Well I didn't see that there were two folders of footstep. and for the animes tits it's touhou and probably place holder. but in the orginal game of LSD, there were 4 texture pack (normal, distorded, "sexual" and logic).
  2. Glad to ear this, it is intentional that the wierdness get in the way (it is supposed to recreate the atmosphere of the PS1 game), I am starting to have a blackout for now. fun fact have you seen the eerie secret? For references I used memorized Dreams I had with some of my friends and personal issues.
  3. Hello everyone, greetings from France, I am very new to this forum and I wanted to share the Prototype of a DOOM Mod based on LSD Dream Emulator. It use DOOM 2 Iwad, for the latest GZDOOM port, there are no exit (for now). there is freelook with crouching and jumping enable. there is an implimentation of Immerse V10.4 this currently a WIP, I have time until the 4th of September (because of school) To say it is currently the V0.5 WIP Prototype -One with touhou by japanese artist -and one with silly face from French School (Family Friendly) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VV80OFcuKO6au24ypjwbUUgNK3XAaNfx?usp=sharing For sure it is quite sloppy and wrong in some places, there problems with the acs and a failed day counter. Let me know your thoughts and if you want to put your brick in the building you can. Thanks in advance.
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