Hello everyone, greetings from France, I am very new to this forum and I wanted to share the Prototype of a DOOM Mod based on LSD Dream Emulator.
It use DOOM 2 Iwad, for the latest GZDOOM port, there are no exit (for now).
there is freelook with crouching and jumping enable.
there is an implimentation of Immerse V10.4
this currently a WIP, I have time until the 4th of September (because of school)
To say it is currently the V0.5 WIP Prototype
-One with touhou by japanese artist
-and one with silly face from French School (Family Friendly)
For sure it is quite sloppy and wrong in some places, there problems with the acs and a failed day counter.
Let me know your thoughts and if you want to put your brick in the building you can.
Thanks in advance.