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About Dahbeez

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  1. Thank you, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with him yet. I may end up using him in the future and anyways I don't have all the sprites done
  2. A year or two ago I made sprites for a "Medic Zombie" who heals himself and other demons and a "Gladiator" with an auto-shotgun. Kinda lame I know but I was bored. I think I just wanted to have monsters who dropped health and armor bonuses lol. Fully implemented them too, but I'll probably never end up using them in an actual wad
  3. I'm working on a 10 level, industrial themed wad. I got 2 maps done so far. I'll try to get some screenshots up later
  4. It's alright! It's a super easy fix. It also just comes with practice and also testing a million times. After awhile you'll start to figure out how players are capable of breaking your maps and you just have to try to account for that lol. I get so sick of looking at my maps after testing for the 1000th time lol
  5. Hello! I played both of your maps. I always want to encourage people to keep mapping because it's tons of fun and it's one of my favorite hobbies. Map2's sewer section reminds me exactly of the first map I ever made. It almost looked exactly like that lol! Just keep going because you're only going to get better. In fact, I noticed that map 2 has a nicer layout than the first map. So you're already improving. Here are some noteworthy things I found during my playthrough:
  6. I did this one on map 7 of my wad called Lost Underworld. As soon as you start, there are imps throwing fireballs at you from afar. Directly behind you, there are some shotgunners. So if you start shooting at the imps right away, the shotgunners will start blasting you from behind, but if you let the fireballs fly passed you, they'll usually knock out a barrel by the shotgunners and it'll blow them up. Idk I tried to make it something different. I've done a lot of different starts. Usually I like when you start and there's a bunch of enemies in front of you, but they all have their backs turned to you so you can get a layout of the area a bit before you aggro them.
  7. No no no, haha. She's not on here, but she does know her way around Doom. Thanks for the kind words!
  8. it's on IDgames now :^) instead of a sketchy google drive link lol
  9. No Rest for the Living's finale was DEFINITELY a huge inspo for the last map! You're good! I seriously appreciate your thoughts and the time you took to play my levels.
  10. I added some flair to the main post. Looks a little nicer now
  11. Just an update, I finished map 2 and 6. I'm not sure if I'm going to upload them or if I should just keep the 3 level demo I have currently. Anyways, that's 5 out of 9 maps done.
  12. I just finished watching all three vids. Thanks for playing, this is so cool!
  13. That's so awesome to hear! I've enjoyed watching your playthroughs of these. Keep an eye out in the coming months!
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