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About JRT

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  1. Ultimate Doom Builder keeps resetting my preferences and game configurations to the defaults. I have not renamed the folders for UDB or my wads at all. This doesn't just happen after updates either. Anyone know how I could fix this?
  2. Play how you want, I think there's really nothing wrong with it. I don't have enough time to beat a wad single-segment, and I prefer it over pistol starts. Coming to pc from the 32x its kinda a life saver just to have there incase I get interrupted.
  3. my personal favorites are the metal skin textures that only appeared in D1. (SKINTEK)
  4. Thanks! I've kind of been worried that I haven't been doing good with monster placement. I think I'll give another tease once the first level is finished, the levels will like D1's episodes
  5. I'm not sure why I did that honestly.
  6. I just changed my mapping controls in UDB and I'm having trouble drawing lines now that I've changed It. can someone help me reset the controls/get lines to draw?
  7. best port: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=45572
  8. Cacodemon wonder what those holes are for...
  9. Man I guess I just read that way too fast or something, I completely misinterpreted it. Using Ultimate Doom Builder I converted it pretty fast, and I like the episodic format much better for pacing. I would mess with stuff to get it working in doom 2 or get the missing textures from D2 but this is my first wad* and I want to keep it simple stupid for now. thanks, I'll go check out cc4-tex! I think my question has been answered. I'll leave the page up incase anyone else is going to ask the same thing. when/if I finish the wad I'll upload a link to the final product if I'm satisfied with it. Thanks for the help everyone! * I have made about 3 wads, but they all sucked and where mostly to learn the basics of modding.
  10. (UV) I'm the doom equivalent to saying your favorite ice cream is chocolate. Doom ep1-3 UV Doom ep4 HMP Doom 2 HOE HMP fast monsters Doom 2 ML UV My source port of choice is Crispy Doom with 4:3 aspect.
  11. the last thing I want is this to not be legally sound, I think Ill just work on porting it over to D1 intel a better solution is found. Thanks for the help everyone!
  12. The wad's in Doom - Doom 2 format, and I've already remade it from my previous map and then from grid paper, so remaking it won't be the first thing I want to do. I would be fine without D2's added textures and demons though, so If I could somehow convert it without remaking it by hand I would like to. Doom1-2.wad doesn't work with Crispy Doom unless launched from Ultimate Doom Builder directly, so I don't think I can use it. here's the map file: MAP01.zip
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