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About J-Force

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  1. This video might be what you’re looking for I think. not sure if you can set it up to teleport at random, but this may interest you.
  2. textures look awesome! I really like the frames you made. I’m a big fan of png style frames and window textures. also bricks turned out good. I like the mid shade brown colored one a lot.
  3. I’m sure it will turn out awesome! Keep on mapping 💪🏻
  4. I know it, that one ended up much darker, I actually liked that contrast and tried to make the red and blue ones more contrasted but they didn’t look as good.
  5. A Coffee sign made from the poison sign. Blue key light bar switches on and off. Red key switch variant Yellow key Variant. White (no key needed) variant I made honey versions of some textures as well Honey animated flats The classic marble gargoyle spitting honey. Honey bricks as well as drain.
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