Great to finally know the backstory, after 25 years ... and being a part of resolving it - even tho the bulk credit of course goes to hdrambo, doomkid, Voyager7, dmage and everyone else involved. The "no such wad ever existed" on rarefiles always felt unsatisfying, even back in ~2000 - even when it remains technically/publically correct. This thread finally puts an end to that :)
It's amazing that while there never was an official dwango9 released that the map which lead to the recent discoveries, leading to Doomkids conclusion of "no, but technically yes" which I agree with, managed to have a life of its' own - thanks for sharing beta4ev.wad.
About picking up on the ties, I just checked out the whole .zip linked in the initial post back to front one night, discarding stuff I knew from "back then" (I'm part of the 'rebound' era, starting with csdoom and later moving on to zdaemon/skulltag til 2005 or 2006) or which felt like something else - the dwango9 texture of course helped a ton. Always found 80s/90s data time capsules to be extremely interesting and have a background with reverse engineering (I've made a gadget compatible to the disney sound source a few years back - likely based upon my teen ways of thinking "how is a company like disney involved with such a violent game" when seeing the sound option in wolf3d 25+ years back), so it was a given to not leave things at "oh, a dwango9 texture, cool".
Feels great to know my initial suspicion was "kinda right" :)