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About Borax

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  1. Would that fix my problem? I have both the original Doom WADs from Steam (yes, I paid for them) and GZDoom. Chocolate Doom, using the Freedoom WADs, is what Eureka defaults to for testing. I haven't changed it because I'm still learning and I want to get the fundamentals down before I tackle the deeper GZDoom stuff.
  2. Okay, so I imported my texture wrong. I'm confused by the missing texture names, though; those aren't anything I touched.
  3. The specific texture it says it's missing is different but it's the same error: I've attached the wad in a zip folder. crockery-test.zip
  4. Perhaps we can't know what 2024 holds, but we did survive 2023. That's something.
  5. I'll skip to the chase and say that the problem I'm having appears to be identical to the one described here, except that I'm having it with wall textures instead of the skybox: I'm following the wiki's instructions for adding wall textures, and for some reason the map doesn't load in Chocolate Doom once I add new wall textures. (I had a separate problem with flats, but that's been resolved elsewhere and I'm grateful). Per the instructions, I am: Loading a 64x64 png into SLADE Converting it to Doom image format Going to Graphic > Add to TEXTUREx Clicking "Import from Base Resource Archive" (making sure I have Doom II selected, as that's what I'm using) Double-checking to make sure the texture shows up in the TEXTUREx lump afterward The wiki says if you do this and see it there, you're good to go. And I can even use it in SLADE, I just can't run the map afterward. I read through the other thread and tried renaming TEXTURE1 to TEXTURE2, but like the OP in that thread it just turned one error into another one. I've read through both the wiki instructions and the thread replies several times and I can't wrap my head around what I'm doing wrong.
  6. Borax

    Sky glitches

    Cool, that works fine for me. I was trying to stick with Vanilla/Chocolate as I'm starting out, but if it's actually easier to bend the rules a little then I'm happy to do so.
  7. Borax

    Sky glitches

    Also yes, I put a bunch of random Chex Quest assets into it. I'm learning as I go.
  8. Borax

    Sky glitches

    Here you go! crockery.zip
  9. I'm mapping with Eureka and spot-testing with Chocolate Doom. Sometime in the last day's worth of edits, the sky developed a glitch. There are black holes when the level starts that are then filled with visual noise when you move the camera around. I did Source modding before I got into Doom, and in Source this is called a leak and is the result of an incomplete skybox. I don't know what it's called in Doom or what's causing it; Eureka's error checker said everything is fine. It's also only a bug in Chocolate Doom; when I run the map in GZDoom everything looks fine. Does anything here look obviously wrong? The arrow faces the problem areas, which are supposed to be terraced hills.
  10. I'm trying to replace existing textures in my PWAD for a Doom II-based game. I tried to follow the instructions here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Adding_custom_textures but I'll admit I found them confusing. I want to replace FLAT5_6 (tiled skulls) with a brown noise texture to represent sand. I made up a 64x64 texture (attached), imported it, converted it to the Doom image format, saved it and retitled the file FLAT5_6. However, it still shows up as the skull floor in Eureka, and when I try to run it in Chocolate Doom I get this error: I get that I must have missed a step, but I feel like I followed the instructions.
  11. Oh that's really funny. You start with the pistol and then can't do anything with it.
  12. I'd like to do it as a Boom-compatible, because I'm still learning the basics, but this is something I'll keep in mind for when I feel ready to work in GZDoom.
  13. I know the standard start is the pistol + 50 rounds. How does one modify what the player starts with?
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