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About hell2slay

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  1. wake up babe new dark ages sprite just dropped (fixing skull soon) (edit skull fixed)
  2. here's a doom rpg themed armour pickup here's it palatted
  3. not even a full day and we got this work of art already
  4. here's a doom rpg themed medkit here's the original for reference
  5. here's a doom rpg themed medkit here's the original for reference
  6. behold the Doom 2 style unmaker
  7. here's my later attempt of a restoration of the Doom 64 beta unmaker/lasergun og magazine rip the restoration darker but less colour acurate less dark more punchy the silver one
  8. here's some kitbashed sprites from Wolf 3d for the Atari/snes and doom 64 and as a bonus here's a modded doom 2 RPG skybox
  9. noticed the horrific lack of mobile game stuff here's some enhanced doom rpg crap for this and credited related content here's a archive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VE97kp83vLU6Hc8XNKP05T6ryc4XHZVr/view?usp=sharing
  10. did a quick sloppy conversion but it mostly looks fine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ny9LnfnELg8RL7Nk2Mn8Edl2FqybRUcl/view?usp=sharing
  11. okay no issue I made this version for gzdoom primarily but as promised on my defunct moddb page a palette version is in the works
  12. This is a graphics overhaul which attempts to make Doom look closer to its peers of the era (DN3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior) without using assets from any build engine games and keeping to dooms original aesthetic this is built off of the Doom Complete mod so this graphics overhaul covers Doom 1,2 and all the expansions but due to how the code works it doesn't work with doom complete itself you would need to port over the assets by hand A lot of textures are either taken from other id games (mostly Doom RPG 1&2) but some are fan-made full credit is given in the credits txt document attached if you see any of your work uncredited reach out to me for a correction please be patient because I can quite slow if you have any suggestions please share them this should work with all boom derivatives even though I've only ever tested this with GZ and LZ Doom i will also bundle the brutal doom asset expansion pack (btw im manhackney_ARCADE this is a updated version of my past work) heres the download link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wv5xYpLKLXdWJEjxlqa8TtkE-rUGtgAI/view?usp=sharing)
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