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About DiceByte

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  1. If you really feel that this is in the wrong subject, please feel free to move it, moderators. So a piece of Doom history has officially been removed, and is not likely to be officially seen again. Mighty Doom has shut down. Forever. Whoever you liked it or not, this game is still a huge part of Doom, and even after it is gone, I still count it as one. It was one of the best mobile games out there in my opinion, so to see it go is actually very heartbreaking. I wish to all of the people who have lost their jobs (Mighty Doom is shutting down because the companies, such as alpha dog games, behind it are) luck as they try to find a new job. Huge thanks to all of people who worked on this project. I love you all.
  2. I am pretty sure this was the wad that decino made his april fools video that parodied midnight. Pretty funny wad from the info I got from his video.
  3. I feel like god should be the one fearing you. On one hand, you ate the lemon in the first place. In the other hand, it is such an amazing feat. I don’t know if it is a sin or an achievement. That’s probably the scariest part of it. Even scarier, it’s probably both.
  4. Seems interesting. What would between levels look like? And I am sure I can take a good LONG look at Countdown to Death…
  5. Sure, you may get a lot of blood, but that drys out. But you know, I’ve found that imp skin tends to stick around and it is annoying as hell. I just bought those trousers!
  6. Flip a coin of something to decide. Or just choose. It ain’t that important of a detail. Or maybe it is. I don’t know. Maybe yellow eyes?
  7. Adding this as an official add-on for the unity port will make the game absolutely amazing. Even on the mobile ports!
  8. It is an amazing port. The only reason I haven’t played it is because PlayStation and Bethesda/id Software haven’t all agreed to re-release it for more modern PlayStation consoles. I mean, think of all the more purchases and money you will get? Like, as an added extra version for the PlayStation ports of the newer PS consoles.
  9. I only seen a few screenshots and text, but even just with that I am able to say it looks well. Hopefully, one day, you might even be able to make those cutscenes and that new episode they promised! It’s highly unlikely though. But it may be possible. In fact, maybe you could release a seperate version for hacked 3DOs with all the promised content. I don’t know. My knowledge of console hacking and the classic doom engine is… limited, to say the least.
  10. I just want to ask why it doesn’t show which post(s) or action(s) caused your ban when you get  banned, because if I am being a jerk, tell me what thing a did that classifies me as a jerk. Just asking. No intent to be rude. I have already gotten a few of you mods mad at me. I don’t want to make it worse. That would be a death wish.

  11. It’s so funny it even got the butt of the joke (and the clown of the community, nothing else. He makes mid content but he is a cool guy apparently) laughing.
  12. Next April fools make a random terry wad downloader. It would fit perfectly for April fools.
  13. You don’t need to ask them if you can use the Doomslayer in a YouTube video. They aren’t Nintendo. Even if they were, it is still a YOUTUBE video it is not a big deal.
  14. Every enemy (and the marines) except the Cyberdemon isn’t the horrible looking. Surprisingly.
  15. Yeah small downside about being an Australian. Should’ve know something was up when it said it was coming 2 am in the morning.
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