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About SmolGhost

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    too busy being a clown around town
    Warming Up

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  1. it seems my third room hasn't yet been added to the room list in the original post "someone needs to do something about this!" -☝️🤓
  2. PURCHASEBONEVIEWINGMACHINE (BUYXRAYS) MinisculeGhoul (me) BoomFellow (DoomGuy) widelizard (thiccyosh) TeethOutOfOrbit (JawsInSpace) Walter spaghetti (Walter confetti) SomeMetalReasonableIndividual (NuMetalManiak) TheSpontaneousNetMovementOrDiffusionOfSolventMoleculesThroughASelectively-PermeableMembraneFromARegionOfHighWaterPotentialToARegionOfLowWaterPotentialInTheDirectionThatTendsToEqualizeTheSoluteConcentrationsOnTheTwoSidesSkeletalSystem (Osmosis Bones)
  3. here are all of the boxes that i have (poorly) made, enjoy all_of_my_boxes.zip
  4. I'm fairly new to doom mapping as a whole, so could someone please explain how to use the textures from OTEX when running the alpha version of BOXDOOM? thanks
  5. @randomsounds01 don't know if you saw this before, but i finished spot 32! here it is: goofy maze.zip
  6. can i take number 32 now? EDIT: @randomsounds01 i'm done! (i have to edit this because apparently i hit the number of posts i can make for the day) by the way, the stone tile at the end of the room is where the room ends, i just didn't put an exit door there goofy maze.zip
  7. looks like the final boss of a video game, i might not make it out alive
  8. may i have spot 42? i'll probably make the room later or tomorrow
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