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Everything posted by CravenCoyote

  1. It depends on what I feel like at the time. It was nice to make a single map for RAMP, but I've done singles and more previously. I did a 9 map pack, but I'm not sure I'd do that again unless I gave myself a heap of time to do it. Most of my maps last around 10 minutes or less, but I spend days, weeks or even months working on them. My most recent wad, Dark Matter was two maps in length.
  2. Map submissions are done on the RAMP website (in the op)
  3. Should we upload our maps to 'reserve' a map spot? By this, I mean to be allocated a map number for use with DoomEd options which are listed here. From the Rules page: The recommended formula is to use [(your map number) * 100] as a starting point, but this won't be possible for all maps due to the numbers of existing Doom objects. I've just checked and it didn't work with my GZDoom version either (v 4.10.0) but it works fine with the latest version (v 4.12.2)
  4. Please don't do this if you have an SSD
  5. Fun map, loved the architecture and texture usage!
  6. WAD now updated with a second map, Dark Envy. As always, my maps are generally pretty short. I hope you enjoy the second map as much as the first - perhaps more. OP updated with the new file. There are some extremely minor modifications that have been made to the first map as well. Nothing that warrants a re-play unless you want to!
  7. My maps tend to be small but detailed - I'll map for up to a month and end up with a 10 minute map. Often, but not always, they are tech-base inspired. I generally avoid large, out-door areas and stick with internal structures where I can make creative use of lighting. I aim for my maps to provide a fun, immersive experience and I choose my monsters and their locations to compliment this. I want to make weapon choice take at least some kind of consideration to handle encounters. I do not enjoy slaughter, nor do I enjoy maps if they are too easy or too difficult. A map where I can finish with about half health and just enough ammunition feels about the right level of challenge.
  8. To this very day, I still cannot beat the first level of Darwin 4078
  9. Just got around to playing this and I had a blast. I loved the aesthetics of this one. I always struggle with revenants so I'd go into ultra panic mode whenever an Arch Vile turned up to undo my handiwork. Fun map, thank you.
  10. Was fun to play, I love maps like this. Last time I heard that door sound was Von Helsings Mansion I think! And who was wearing high heels around this grand house? My one little bit of advice here would be to make some lines impassable (for example, around the pool table). It helps when you have things like the low beams that you can get 'stuck' on. You should be able to merge the map wad, textures wad and dehacked file into one single wad so that three files are not needed :)
  11. Thanks for your video, glad you liked it! Map02 in the works and I'm working on that as and when I get time 😁
  12. I could feel the frustration in this (and I laughed, I'm sorry) MVP:
  13. I always love reading what you have to say, @Wo0p, and I actually did a little experimenting with your suggestion. In the area after the bridge where you collect the blue key card, I made the area darker and reduced the fog. It might look a bit subtle, but now I've mentioned it you might find it easier to notice 😉 Thanks for pointing out the missing texture, somehow I haven't noticed that. I'll have to check the map again tomorrow. I swear I'm going to punch Slade in the face because the maintenance options seem insistent on removing textures that have been used. I wasn't initially planning on it, but I've started work on Map02. This wad has really helped me to learn a lot, so adding to it and refining my skills with it has been very enjoyable
  14. I absolutely love techbase/Knee deep in the Dead style maps, so I'd say do it!
  15. OK, just done some checking. The version on Doomworld is correct and shouldn't have any bugs. However, the idgames version has not been updated yet, and still includes the bugs from launch. I've updated the links in the OP to make this clearer for anyone downloading in future :)
  16. It's a mistake from my mapping, should only be one secret, not three. If you downloaded via idgames then it probably hasn't been updated on their side yet. If you downloaded via Doomworld then I've uploaded the wrong version and will need to resolve when I get home
  17. Thank you, did you download from idgames or Doomworld? If Doomworld, I may have uploaded the wrong version and will need to check when I get home. If idgames, the updated was probably hasn't been processed yet so it'll be the initial release prior to the bug fixes
  18. Thanks for your feedback! Do you mind if I ask when you downloaded the map set? The reason I ask is because both of those issues should be resolved. Are you running any other wads alongside?
  19. You could probably switch the Melee tag with the Attack tag which means that the Trooper would attack only when in melee range. I think this would play the firing animation but wouldn't make a sound. And if that's the case, just replace the firing animation with the melee sprites in Slade edit: you can change the sounds in the Sounds section underneath States. Haven't got Whacked open at the moment (I'm at work) but I'm sure one of the option menus can be used to determine sound codes. Eg, change Sound 1 (Pistol) to 83 (Punch) for Trooper in Things
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