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About TheNerevarine

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. thats a useful way to use the chainsaws no ammo stuff into a perma bfg. Wonder what gave them the idea
  2. Alright man, like how the slaughter fest perma BFG replaces the chainsaw?
  3. off topic, my PFP is that of a pacifist god. If you were to just talk, you could probably instantly win. also, how do i fight a youtube thumbnail?
  4. in doom you can turbulize your pistol by blasting your teeth
  5. The title. I once call upon the doomworld for help. How to i add custom PRboom compatible weapons to Slade maps?
  6. i got it now. Now i just need to practice until i can make a REAL map.
  7. im using Slade 3 and the latest prboom btw
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