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Everything posted by FunyGuy2022

  1. And one more thing, where can i get long-haired dude model from thumbnail of the first trailer? I cant find her
  2. These new weapon renders dont look very good, the old sprites from a demo look more authentic to doom
  3. Recently, i listening to the Hexen 64 soundtrack and wondered how the game's maps could be made more atmospheric (something like PSX Doom). I even thought about how i could make them, but i dont have access to a pc right now. So i want to ask, do such wads already exist?
  4. I want to propose my project. But I don't know if it fits the criteria
  5. Update 5: - Improved old maps, recreate psx sector light glowing - New maps: E2M1, E2M2, E3M1, MAP03 I don't know what the future of this project will be. I have already stopped development several times and continued again. I'm tired. On top of that, no one cares. This is probably the last update. Or not. Idk. If you have any thoughts and suggestions then write me them.
  6. I mean "Special": long light glowing
  7. Im making my "doom maps in psx style" mappack, and i want to ask: is it possible to recreate the special lighting effects of sectors from psx like the developers of "PSX TC" and "Master Edition on GZDoom" did? This is possible only through ACS, or possible through zscripts?
  8. There are already many mods that replace standard PC music with console music. But I didn't like something in each of them. So I made my version, the BEST version. This mod is made from parts of others because I a̶m̶ l̶o̶s̶e̶r̶ wanted to take the best from each. The tracks are properly sorted to their corresponding levels from each IWAD (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, The Plutonia Experiment, TNT: Evilution). Levels that aren't included in PSX Doom use the music order from PSX Doom: Master Edition. I also made two versions: Mid Quality - original tracks (Medium file size) https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2dvdcim2ffok2b High Quality - 20th Anniversary Extended tracks (High file size) https://www.mediafire.com/file/5k8jk22frob1p5l This mod is based on a mod made by CantSleep - https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1126495&hilit
  9. Demo 4 changes: - Improved some old maps - New maps: E1M5, E1M6, E1M7, E1M8
  10. Thanks, but wad only has levels. I don't know how to replace sounds
  11. Demo 3 changes: - Improved maps: E1M1, E1M2 and E1M3 - New maps: E1M4, E1M9, MAP01, MAP02
  12. In this project i change maps of the classic Doom 1 and Doom 2 to the style of PlayStation version. Changed textures, placement of monsters and items, geometry and lighting. List of changed maps: Doom 1: - Full first episode (E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M4, E1M5, E1M6, E1M7, E1M8, E1M9) - E2M1, E2M2 - E3M1 Doom 2: - MAP01, MAP02, MAP03 Tested on last GZDoom version !!RUN BOTH FILES FOR DOOM 1 AND 2!! Recomended settings: Software sector light mode or Fog Update 5 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mWCZHCC3LkTK8duFquUCY_aJAMdMEGHT/view?usp=drive_link Demonsrtuction (Update 5) - Some textures i take from Realm667 List of useful addons: PSX Ost ULTIMATE -- = Console Ambient for Doom 1 and Doom 2 VanillaPSX -- https://www.moddb.com/mods/vanillapsx-by-dron12261-mod-for-near-vanilla-source-ports = Sound and sprites LiveReverb -- = Reverb
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