Woah! What's this bullcrap about Again?
Well let's just say that I went to MIT recently and met a guy who had this exact idea as me.
But I can't just do this myself, no...
I need YOU to help me design a Campaign for Doom 1993, that has 30 levels! (Cool, right?)
So if YOU wanna help me out with this, please fill out this very cool and minimalistic Google Form to apply!
But before you do that, let me tell you the campaign story...
++== THE STORY ==++
Doomguy went to go to MIT to find an old cloning machine in his office, at the far edge of the building.
However, Demons took it over. Now you must fight all 30 stages to get the cloning machine, and
hopefully revive your rabbit, Daisy.
++== Conclusion ==++
Deadline: June 26th (MY BIRTHDAY!)
I - WAD Should be named: DIT [Version Number Here].wad
Sourceport: GZDoom
Custom Assets Policy: Have fun with designing what you feel like is appropriate with the level's environment.
You like the idea?
Here's the form!
Very Cool Form I made!