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About glue_sniffer

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  1. Hi, its been a while. Here is the updated version of my box, based on the changes Halfblind did to it a few months ago (optimizations related). The version he sent me didn't use some boom effects that I used, mainly related to the ceiling light. I sent to him the fixed version but he hasn't been online on a while and I don't know if you guys are using mine version of the box or his version. Well, here it is just in case. BOX15_glue_sniffe_r_BlindChaos-Edit (fixed).zip
  2. I think I will drop the project. This last few weeks have been really busy for me to dedicate proper time to the map, and for what it looks like I will remain unable to dedicate time to mapping for a few more weeks (months even, too much stuff going on). It was a fun project to look through, but I don't want to get it ruinned by not being able to submit the map. So I'm leaving it, sorry and good luck to the other mappers.
  3. so according to the rules I can only place enemies that are on the original levels right? what about coop exclusive enemies that appear on those levels (like the spider mastermind on cyberden)?
  4. the idea is good, but I would had to scrap the map I'm working on and play the psx doom level do understand more of its layout and how to best combine the two levels into something new
  5. progress has been kinda slow due to some irl stuff going on, but the general idea of the level and layout is going fine, sorry for the lack of updates about the map
  6. Updated my box to fix some stuff and the bug reported by @No-Man Baugh. Box15: take cover v2.zip
  7. Glad you liked it! I will take a closer look at that section there and find the error, I don't know how I let that slip. Thank you.
  8. Ok here is my box: Box15: Take Cover Textures: Default Doom 2 textures Size: 512x512 with 10 monsters (only 9 appear in the hard skills, the other remaining enemy appears on easy) I play tested this a lot before submitting it here, so please let me know if something could be changed or improved. It would be great to get some feedback. take cover.zip
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