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About Amaruψ

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    Forum Princess

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  1. Given how expensive storage is nowadays, I'd be glad to have a random wad make me new hard drives.
  2. To clear up the possible misinterpretation, I'm referring to using 3D models as bases to create sprites off of, like Doom 64 does. So instead of using a clay model, you just use a 3D model. I'm not saying that the only viable way to do so is to replace sprites with 3D models. Far from that.
  3. You can recreate high-res sprites through this process, my guy. Instead of passing through an upscaler or painstakingly redrawing everything by hand, it's far easy to do. Plus, games like Duke Nukem 3D has done it properly, and serves as a great example of the results that can be achieved through this.
  4. The only viable way that I can see for creating a proper sprite-set for the monsters is to seek help from someone who dabbles into 3D modeling. They can recreate the monsters as 3D models as well as reimagine them, and once their models/animations are complete, you can take multiple screenshots of them to turn into sprites. I hope that this doesn't come off as discouraging or rude, but these wouldn't really pass for "HD". They seem more stylistic than anything else. It's as if I was to recreate a work from Van Gogh in the style of Edvard Munch and say that the end product is a remaster of the original. It isn't, it's more or less reinterpretation in a different style.
  5. My pet peeve against such projects is not including anymore additional details to the sprites that they're upscaling. For example, the chaingun still looks the same, but now it looks like an oil painting. The rocket launcher looks like someone's first attempt at Paint 3D.
  6. The Whole Half-Life (TWHL) community's forums and website is to me, the Half-Life equivalent to Doomworld, sans a few notable differences.
  7. None of the monsters except the spectre are designed for invisibility. It'll just screw over the entire balance. I fail to see any benefit from invisible monsters apart from something that'd reside in a terry wad.
  8. "Are you sure? This difficulty isn't even remotely fair." That pretty much clears it up that as the levels go lower, things are going to get harder.
  9. The last big game that I actually gave a crap about, like watching all of the trailers and stuff was CSGO, and that was all the way back in 2012... I think? I've never owned a beefy rig to even run these games, let alone have time and storage to horde these 100+ gigs games in the first place. Plus, I've just started to simply prefer games developed by indie studios anyways, since they at the very least bring out something new instead of milking the same franchise for decades to come and then axing the studio once the franchise isn't profitable anymore.
  10. Any of the maps featuring Icon of Sin that follows the same basic formula of timing the rockets into an opening while riding on a moving platform can easily fit this description for me. I simply dislike this formula paired with the unpredictable nature of the monster spawner; it can either make life easy for you by mostly spawning pinkies, or it can make the fight a living nightmare by spamming arachnotrons or pain elementals. The map that truly takes the cake of having the worst possible implementation of this formula, at least to me is the Map 30 of Alien Vendetta. Give me 10 minutes with UDB and I can make a far more interesting and far less stressful Icon of Sin fight that whatever the absolute crap that map is.
  11. Wolfenstein 3D-esque difficulty level mugshots that I created a while back. Didn't implement them for some reason, but here they are. If you want to use them, here's them in appropriate size.
  12. I've completely stranded myself at the crossroads. Stress somehow seems to find me around every single corner; there isn't even a moment's rest for me anymore. In fact, mental unrest is probably the best description I can provide for the state of my mind at the moment.

  13. I've been fiddling around with the concept of marrying industrial themes with gothic as of late. I cooked this one up just this morning.
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