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About Dheta

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  1. Sad but understandable, at this rate ill be maining old 0.25.6 for the rest of eternity. Still I'm very happy to have an DSDA alternative for some software stuff, MBF21 and its future incarnations, so ill definitely be using this going forward as well.
  2. Personally i find the Doom 2 bestiary have the perfect amount of complexity. Most monsters are simple but when considering geometry and other monsters, the combinations for fights are near endless. I'll be honest, just about all the custom monsters i've come across add needless complexity and somewhat drag down dooms combat, they restrict rather than expand combat scenarios. For dooms combat, simple pieces are far my preference, arch viles, pain elementals and revenant are all the complexity doom needs. I don't think adding monsters with complex behaviors and abilities without changing combat while you're at it works out well.
  3. Eh I've always thought it was just another way of saying that you're doing a map saveless, but maybe I've gotten the wrong impression. To be clear what I meant when saying single segment, was just doing saveless runs on a per map basis and nothing to do with not doing pistol starts, cause you should always pistol start if you don't want to trivialize the wads you're playing.
  4. Play on UV, go for all kills, don't use mid fight saves and play progressively harder wads. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/107015-wad-progression-for-skill-improvement/ is somewhat out of date and lacking options post Sunlust but its a great baseline till then. once you beaten Sunlust there's and ocean of difficult wads you can tackle. Personally I've never bothered with Single Segment runs, harder maps are overwhelmingly on the longer side in my experience and dealing with large difficult maps is quite a time investment. If you do go that route stick with shorter maps for your own sanity's sake. Hard fights will force you to "git gud" on their own or at least that's how it was for me, so I don't see the point in doing Single Segments if your only goal is to improve.
  5. Been replaying a lot of wads recently and felt like some minor changes were in order for this list, even if its only been 2 months. Can't believe i put scythe 2 on this list before, Afrits and Evil marines can go to hell, worst addition to doom modding ever imo. 10 - Sunder 10 - Abandon 8 - Sunlust 5 - Occula 5 - Fractured Worlds 3 - Haste 3 - Entropy 2 - Swim with the whales 2 - Stardate 20X6 2 - Firefly 1 - Toilet of the gods 1 - Stardate 20X7 1 - Cryogenics 1 - Micro Slaughter Community Project 1 - Plutonia Old List:
  6. I mean yeah that's combat shock 2 in the thumbnail as well, so clearly ribbiks + danne major releases before Sunlust. Also, people not forgetting Danne made half of Sunlust challenge (its impossible), SMH. Danne deserves more recognition, hope this episode will help with that.
  7. If you have more fun playing with mouselook rather than auto-aim then just play with mouselook. It might break some small things here or there like shoot switches you can shoot from somewhere you shouldn't or snipe monsters than might otherwise be too hard or impossible to kill with auto aim. Whether or not that matters to you is something you're just gonna have to decide for yourself. I do recommend that at some point or another you give auto-aim a chance for a WAD, if for no other reason that to try something else. I was pretty hardcore mouselook or bust early on, but at some point I decide to give auto-aim a chance and I haven't really bothered with mouselook since, outside of wads made for it. But again, if you find mouselook to be more fun just use mouselook. "Author intent" shouldn't stop you from playing doom the way you enjoy.
  8. I've set WAD files to be opened with DSDA-Doom by default so i just double click lmao. guess that counts as other method?
  9. as a UV-only player that's what i want from maps so mission failed.
  10. Absolute beast of a mapset, gorgeous maps and great fights, been a while since i felt like binging a mapset in a day. Map 5 and 7 in particular stood out. echoing what others said above this is an easy lock-in for a cacoaward. Some small feedback bits: First fight of map 2: I don't know if i missed something, but even with having all barons and imps fight the cyber i was still down to pistol and rockets to finish the cyber in all my attempts. might want to add some more shells, unless that's the point? End of map 5: I'm probably just stupid, but even with the rockets in the exit room i still had to open up UDB too see what i had to do to exit, but that's probably just me being a idiot, cause I'm not sure how you can make it more clear. Map 6: Probably the only negative thing i can say about this WAD, the secret fight was a big disappointment(just very easy and somewhat standard fight) for how hard to keys were to find, yellow key in particular was a pain. And speaking of that yellow key. Entering Super nitpick territory: most of the big fights in map 7 were disappointedly not that hard, only the "60" chaingunner room kicked my teeth in(also my fav for sure). For a big slaughtermap as the final map i think you could have dialed up the notch on UV at least, but maybe I'm just a doom masochists at this point. Still a 10/10 map tho.
  11. Combat Shock 2 is the only wad shown in the S3 trailer that's yet to appear aside from Eternal Doom which he dropped, so unless he's saving that for a Sawed off Wads episode that's probably the final episode. Guessing he will do Both Combat Shock 1 and 2 to fill an episode.
  12. Update: 10 Sunder 10 Abandon 8 Sunlust 5 Occula 5 Fractured Worlds 3 Haste 3 Entropy 3 Swim with the wales 2 Flotsam 2 Stardate 20X6 1 Toilet of the gods 1 Speed of Doom 1 Scythe2 1 Plutonia
  13. Well Looking through this thread I'm sure that wont cause any issues whatsoever xD
  14. Is it written anywhere the specific time it takes floors/ceilings by certain amounts at the respective speeds? Trying to make specific things lower after a certain amount time with voodoo closets is just a tad tedious when starting out, google and the respective doom wiki's doesn't seem to specify, would save me a probably and probably some other people in the future some time.
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