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About AshtralFiend

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  1. Here is my map submission: Map 17 - The Ashen Archipelago Music - 'Monologue For The Sun' by Isotype Par Time - 14:30 All Skill levels Implemented Some screenshots: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/viv5khelybqpa02hx3gwx/Map-17_The-Ashen-Archipelago.wad?rlkey=dda29yq027m84fgpxn50y2oc4&st=34w15f8t&dl=0
  2. I wasn't around when this was released, luckily the thread was bumped. An excellent map with amazing aesthetics and great combat. Truly a must-play
  3. Fun map with interesting encounters. Can't go wrong with Carpenter's music :D
  4. @Daytime Waitress Thank you so much for the kind words! This map is harder than what I usually do, so I understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I'm glad you had fun despite it's difficulty. This was an interesting experience, so I'll probably do more of this single weapon, quick to finish maps in the future :D
  5. Don't give up skeleton! Fight your way out of space purgatory. You are already dead, but everything here wants you 7 feet under. Info: Otherworldly Ossuary is a small MBF21 single map with cramped puzzle-like combat. - Completion time is about 8 minutes; - All difficulty skills implemented; - Tested in DSDA; - Map does not work correctly in GZDOOM (use it at your own risk); Dehacked Info: - Plasma rifle speed and damage slightly buffed; - Lost Souls have reduced health: 50HP; - Pain Elementals explode when killed (keep your distance) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: Music: Title Screen - "Fine Example" by Velvetic Map 01 - "Scavengers" by Velvetic Intermission - "Lethargic Eyes" by Velvetic Cast sequence - "Descent" by Isotype Color Palette - "WasteLand" by me Doom Eternal plasma rifle Sprite by Sonik.o.fan: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1205754#p1205754 Sky texture by Mechadon - Doomworld Thread: Playtesting and Support: A huge thanks to the playtesters: @Matt Eldrydge @Treehouseminis @mancubian_candidate ___________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mrfitdegzn8yay6nhbka5/OO.zip?rlkey=2v3568rxmh1qwunfx2p4n65np&st=mmvzt0l5&dl=0
  6. I finally found time to play the final version :D I really liked the playtest version, but all the small changes made the maps play even better! Here is a playlist with the 4 UV max. Keep up the good work :)
  7. Wasn't intentional, but it's an amusing coincidence for sure
  8. Color palettes often play a significant role in setting the mood and atmosphere of a map and making both scenery and enemies unique in their own way. And while it's true that the classic DOOM color palette evokes a nostalgic and cozy feeling, it may feel a bit dull at times. Here are some of the custom palettes I've used in my projects thus far. A vibrant color palette that emphasizes saturated yellows, reds, pinks, and purples. Reminiscent of a nostalgic, hot summer sunset. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idu9l4qrq1v455cmviwaw/Sunset.wad?rlkey=x3z2lv7n328xgko6e7xp91low&st=cycpils8&dl=0 A vibrant and contrasting color palette with smooth transitions between colors. From bright reds to purples, and yellows into acid greens, this palette will add a burst of color to your maps. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nc7m4vjeaovxmxss2tk1t/Dual.wad?rlkey=1chf80rbvarr61zcgx0wtm3mf&st=8b4mcx0d&dl=0 A dusty palette where the browns and greens reign supreme. Looking to create a cave or a forest? Maybe try earthbound. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/acih6n6vzltl4kfur5wq3/EarthBound.wad?rlkey=inrlt353tcfba6affd03y24a2&st=lgjxn2xi&dl=0 Muted and desaturated colors with crisp shadows and highlights. Like an old VHS recording that has seen better days. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3xkltqmlftwvqsj4p64rk/Retrorough.wad?rlkey=mg5gsfdrmgcbrkarnuiotj3l1&st=fv7i0bdv&dl=0 A saturated palette of intense red and golden colors. Its hues illuminate the landscape like the hot and hazy desert sun. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jktglxwkavupygdw1mzbb/Wasteland.wad?rlkey=jspikajemyrrhk4bijosllqzq&st=2zyepwrw&dl=0
  9. Played this map the other day! A fun and short tech base is always a welcome sight :P Very nice color palette and great music choice!
  10. Slowly working on a map submission for "Tropic Hell" community project
  11. Thank you so much for your time playing and recording all 5 videos! I really enjoyed watching your walkthrough of Duality. I always try to experiment with weird ideas in my wads, which sometimes can make progression somewhat confusing to first-time players or people not familiar with my mapping style. I'm happy you took the time to learn the maps and most of all, had fun. Thanks again, and I hope you also enjoy my future works :D
  12. Thank you for the honest review! I understand damaging floors aren't everyone's cup of tea. Even more so ones that burn through the rad suit. It was indeed by choice that I've kept it that way. I wanted it to be extra punishing walking through the nukage. That is why there are several dispensers throughout the map. However, despite all this, your gameplay was stellar, with precise strategies and movement! Thanks again for playing and recording :D
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