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About trashgarbage

  • Rank
    pretend speedfunner
    Green Marine

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  1. A few more humble tablefills. E1M4 UV Speed in 1:01.57 UV Max in 3:49.74 NoMo in 44.34 pr4-10157.zip pr4-34974.zip pr4o4434.zip
  2. Map04 UV Speed in 2:59.09 Map06 UV Speed in 1:06.80 Map08 UV Speed in 1:54.17 Map11 Pacifist in 1:02.91 lostciv04-25909.zip lostciv06-10680.zip lostciv08-15417.zip lostciv11p10291.zip
  3. Some modest tablefills Map03 UV Max in 8:21.97 Map11 UV Max in 5:19.77 Map18 UV Max in 4:09.29 lostciv03-82197.zip lostciv11-51977.zip lostciv18-40929.zip
  4. Lost in Reisen's lunatic eyes... Map 41 UV Max in 0:24.00 Stroller in 0:25.80 (I recorded this demo with -stroller but the text file export categorised it as UV Max. I imagine this is because Max criteria take precedence internally over some of the others? And these criteria are inevitably met when the single enemy in the level is telefragged by a voodoo doll as part of the ending sequence) icgya41-2400.zip icgya41str2580.zip
  5. eagoth1 Map27 UV Max in 2:50.20 eagoth2 Map29 UV Max in 3:13.74 Both wads require GOTHICTX.WAD for textures and flats. eago-25020.zip eag2-31374.zip
  6. Map04 UV Fast in 1:09.54 Map11 NoMo in 8.54 Map11 Pacifist/Speed in 10.31 Map18 UV Fast in 48.60 2404f10954.zip 2411o854.zip 2411p1031.zip 2418f4860.zip
  7. New skip for Map15, RIP my beloved UV Speed route I will never forget you :[ also hi 4shock be gentle please :] Pacifist / speed in 11.66 NoMo in 11.34 Secret exit pacifist / speed in 10.20 Secret exit NoMo in 10.06 10s15p1166.zip 10s15o1134.zip 10s15sp1020.zip 10s15so1006.zip
  8. kimsp1.zip Map02 (technically kimsp12.wad Map01) UV Max in 2:27.29 NM Speed in 20.60 (Also Pacifist xdd) Map04 (technically kimsp14.wad Map01) UV Max in 1:58.83 ksp2-22729.zip ksp2n2060.zip ksp4-15883.zip
  9. Cute and inspiring WAD :] Map04 UV Speed in 28.31 Map06 UV Speed in 20.40 Map06 UV Max in 53.83 2404-2831.zip 2406-2040.zip 2406-5383.zip
  10. One of my favourite WADs casually :] Map02 Pacifist in 2:01.74 Map03 Pacifist in 1:49.74 Map05 Pacifist in 1:34.49 lostciv02p20174.zip lostciv03p14974.zip lostciv05p13449.zip
  11. Map07 NoMo in 33.49 Map17 NoMo in 56.66 Map18 UV Max in 1:50.86 Map19 UV Max in 2:31.74 10s07o3349.zip 10s17o5666.zip 10s18-15086.zip 10s19-23174.zip
  12. Not happy with the quality of these in the least but I really don't enjoy grinding this map. Hope someone else takes them. terrere1.wad Map01 UV Max in 4:29.66 (yeh....) NoMo 100S in 51.31 ter01-42966.zip ter01os5131.zip
  13. Faith is for the transient people and free index for whoever wants it ^^ icgya36-23546.zip
  14. Sorry about that, I forgot to put the txt in the zip. cl7-41994.zip
  15. classic7.wad E2M7 UV Max in 4:19.94 E2M7 NoMo in 37.91 E2M7 NoMo 100S in 58.29 cpunch.wad E2M1 Tyson in 2:41.49 cl7-41994.zip cl7o3791.zip cl7os5829.zip cpt24149.zip
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