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About Patrick_Plays_Doom

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    "Is this the krusty krab?" *NO THIS IS PATRICK!*

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  1. i have a feeling this guy is an omegatronic host
  2. I dont know why (almost) everyone here is being a asshole, but seriously, If you want to be that much of an asshole to a good idea go to reddit, if your so much against fixing tf2 why not just NOT post on this thread, I have signed the petition and im making an youtube video to spread awareness of this massive problem. #FixTf2
  3. Tricks and traps, Do i need to explain? it matches my personality to a tee
  4. Well You get the trophy of beating me to say this, well done Half life just has so fun sound effects, i love the way they recycle them sometimes, in clever ways, it has charm
  5. only 1000 hours on gmod? ametuer... i have 19000+! thats right! you heard me! 19'000+! reason for edit: miscaculated hour count
  6. WOW, JUST WOW... HOLY SHIT... WHY WOULD THEY BE THERE??? WOW, THAT WILL KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT Thousands... i can imagine Hundreds but THOUSANDS... Its not the creepiest story but holy shit, i cant imagine being there, atleast you pulled through it
  7. Those images are enough to make a man shit his pants at the speed of light, holy fuck thats alot of ants Having the guts to laugh that off is insane, you earned my respect lmfao
  8. How do you sleep at night? Just knowing that happened to you? i mean thats fair, for a hornet to appear seemingly out of the ancient depths of an drawer is a scream-worthy sight Holy shit, as a person who hates centipedes this makes my ribcage shiver, it makes my bumps goose, it shivers me timbers and i hope and hope it was not a house centipede ( These fuckereinos: )
  9. This thread is all about the scary and spooky experiences you've had with bugs! From small encounters to things that keep you up at night! ill go first: once a giant tarantula the size of an small dining plate latched onto my leg when i was younger. And no, not video game bugs, actual insects, actual creepy crawlies
  10. "Hello everybody welcome back to another classic episode of Can it run doom? Today we are going to be seeing if Doom Can run Doom!"
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6rbxyk2PqE Must i say more?
  12. Im sorry but i dont exactly understand this? i understand the 1024 x 1024 part, i suppose it just means the map you make must fit in an 1024 by 1024 square, but what is this about connectors exactly? i dont mean to bother anyone but i dont exactly understand, samplemap doesn't help either i gotta ask this before i say i want to take a slot, so i understand the premise entirely
  13. Thanks! Now considering this, ill start working on an map ASAP
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