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About Scorcher

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    DOOM Gaming™
    Green Marine

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  1. I suggested something similar a while ago. I really hope this is able to be done. +1
  2. Speaking of Horde Mode, I'd be down for the multiplayer just being that but with 4 players, would be a great way to cash in on the Helldivers 2 hype. If every single enemy was attacking you at once, Eternal would probably be near-impossible to beat lol
  3. That new Arachnotron attack definitely looks very hitscanny to me, you could be right.
  4. I fucking knew it, Hugo literally confirms about 2.5 minutes in that the gameplay would be closer to classic DOOM style. We may actually be so fucking back.
  5. Glad to see not only I noticed. It would be so funny and ironic if the NuDOOM game with the biggest divergance in setting and art style ends up having the closest gameplay to the classics. How would DoomWorld react to that LMAO
  6. The new Mancubus is probably the best it's ever looked, it actually reminds me of the Ancient Aliens design, lol Also aside from the SSG, these all appear to be completely new weapons instead of just reskins, even the Plasma Rifle lookalike seems to function closer to a chaingun. Yeah despite going full Warhammer, this game actually looks much more gritty than Eternal ever did, consider me hyped!
  7. In that case they would have to bring back the darker, more grounded atmosphere and heavily tone down the over-the-top fanfic lore as well, and based on what we've heard, I don't think that's gonna happen.
  8. For me It's both UDB as well as this monitoring software (HWINFO64), I get very anxious about my PC temps while gaming without it, and so far I haven't found a good Linux equivalent. :(
  9. I see, forget everything I said then, +1 to customizable starting ammo!
  10. Interesting, good luck with the investigation. :) This Community Project replaces the pistol with a shotgun type weapon that uses shells, so I assume It's at least possible in MBF21. Maybe I was wrong about vanilla though... EDIT: Nevermind...
  11. Pretty sure that's always been possible even with Vanilla DeHackEd. :) EDIT: Nevermind...
  12. You could probably achieve a similar effect in DeHackEd by replacing the SHADOW flag with the TRANSLUCENT flag, although you wouldn't be able to change the translucency % after the Spectre dies. For the color of the Spectre you'd need either a palette translation or an entirely new set of sprites. (Wouldn't be impossible for Woof! since DEHEXTRA exists.)
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