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About Artyoman

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. It's same as "if this game isn't your most favorite of all time then why are you playing it?"
  2. Either a bot hoster, idiot or just a baiter
  3. Those are bots, as I know someone involved FBI because of that. I hardly believe this will do anything, valve has infinite money cheat code called "steam", they won't lose anything if they will completely forget about TF2. Well, other than part of reputation
  4. Spectres. Lazy design that... Actually works sometimes?? Still hate them because of nightmare in Doom 1 though, probably hate pain elementals more if not consider nightmare. I love Revenants and Cacodemons, funny boner and meatball. And honorable mention - Archvile, it's like a love/hate relationship
  5. Half Life 1 & 2, Quake, flash games, old minecraft versions, Source games overall
  6. It's like saying "ea making non cash grab games"
  7. Nah, they owned ID for a while yet Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 came out. Worst I can expect is a lot of DLCs and bethesda account requirement. Oh wait...
  8. Same happened to Quake 2, entirely new art direction yet Quake 2 was amazing and fun to play, so let's just hope they won't fuck up gameplay. Also that SSG holy fuck it's amazing
  9. Love that type of the plot. Normal dude finds cool armor in critical situation and kicks ass immediately
  10. You can try upgrading it, but to change CPU to something modern you will have to buy a new motherboard, meaning you will need a new ram too probably. Easier to build a new PC and insert your current hard drive into it
  11. Lol that's just half of this thread in a nutshell
  12. Fuck all of that, my Commodore 64 destroys all those payment consoles and chicken shit PCs
  13. I love Romer-os and enlist today posters
  14. Sorry for offtop. I regret doing this SexOfTheDoomed.7z
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