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About LukeGaming

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  1. Ralsei if he was taking testosterone injections.
  2. I don't know about shading but there are plenty of things that could be improved, rocket launcher looks too big on side rotations, it "sinks" into shoulder a bit on back rotations, it looks flat on angled rotations because I just moved it with perspective tool there etc. But there is such a huge workload for project that I'm working on (I decided that I'm going bananas with doom hybrid monsters, every Doom 1 monster is getting cross-over with every other one no matter how much I have to bend logic and visuals to make it look plausible, which gives about 72 modified spritesheets) that I'm just cranking these out en masse as long as they look good enough to me because it would took me a something like a year to finish it otherwise.
  3. I frankensprited axe zombie scientist from realm667 (one of zombie scientist packs) onto shotgun guy and changed axe colours: I also tried to add attack sprites to only melee zombie sprite that I found from this ZDoom thread: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=15080&start=27285 but they suck, frankly I have no idea how to make unarmed melee attack sprites look good, I think I'll try to frankensprite realm667 berserker commando fist attack onto that. Oh, I was also reworking that zombie rocketman just a few days ago:
  4. Currently trying to turn Hitlers mech suit from Wolf3D into some sort of UAC security robot, not sure how to colour these red parts. Directional sprites taken from Wolfenstein 3D TC. I'm wondering if it looks better default or with edit based on minigun pickup sprite:
  5. Thank God this thread exists so I can have an excuse to share this somewhere. Yesterday I got fever, tonight I had dream where yeti monster from older Scooby Doo cartoon was explaining its progress in finding clues about Hyperborea to prince from Frozen. They were in some sort of tent camp/outpost set up somewhere in the frozen poles, it was huge expedition. Yeti was speaking about it in a very well-organized, informative manner, like narrators in WWII documentaries. He was explaining in great detail which leads turned out to be false, what evidence was planted, where german submarines most likely went after WWII, which people were killed by nazis to keep a secret, which organizations are in on it and for what purpose etc. Last time I watched Scooby-Doo cartoon was over decade ago, I never even watched Frozen, I only know about Hyperborea from ironic soyjak memes.
  6. I aped/copy-pasted some code from it and even got it to work somehow, but my bastardized version ended up still making individual replacements, lol Yep, this is what I was looking for. I ended up going with @Doomy__Doom version, and it does exacly what I needed. Code is a bit over my understanding of scripts, but I think I'll work it out eventually. Btw, If it wasn't for error that I got I still wouldn't know there are different versions of zscript and that you can set up version at beginning of the script. Anyway, thanks for help guys!
  7. I considered using actor states before, but this will also replace each individual monster with random one rather than replacing each with ONE randomly chosen type.
  8. Put it together like this today: And checked it in practice, sadly it still replaces monsters on individual basis.
  9. Added two more monsters, beta Lost Soul and did some minor fixes, link in the OP has been updated. I decided that zombies don't fit here and I'm moving them to different monster pack, I'll post it once it has few enough zombies.
  10. I already went ahead with second variant in my monster pack, but now that you pointed it out it does look like slightly mossy statue. Here are few sprites in case someone wants to use it as decor: What tutorials have you watched? I always knew that either blender or some 2D animation program is my only hope of ever escaping frankensprite hell and I tried getting into it a few times but I always bounce off.
  11. I always keep misremembering how to write it, I'm pretty sure I made same typo in a bunch of file and actor names.
  12. My eyes are more violated by changes that were made to these enemies. Why turn chaingunner into player recolour? Why deepfry mancubus? Why remove details from zombies weapon and give it ridiculous legs? I thought these were like this from the start. Was it some copyright issues? Edit: Nevermind, I went through old build from here https://archive.org/details/free-doom-2003-2019 and it turns out these were just reverted back to their beta versions. So they were in fact like this from start - I'm still curious what sort of copyright issues have newer sprites caused. Edit2: I now realized that all updated sprites are back to new version in daily builds (I downloaded both Freedoom WADs from official Freedoom site). Man that new revenant is cool. That was quite a ride all to realize that for the past month the only version that I knew and played was with placeholder beta enemies and that my boot-replacing operation was useless.
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