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  1. So I finally got around to trying out the Painkiller demo (omg timeline or something!) - that's the three-level demo (I'ma gonna try out the second sp demo at some point) - and amazingly enough, liked it a lot.

    What I like:

    * The theme - it's somehow like Blood and Doom in one (two games I like a lot), only a lot more serious like Doom. Somehow, I like the idea of playing a character who dies and go to purgatory - I know it's not an original theme but a long shot, but it's a theme I haven't explored much in a video game.
    I guess killing demons is what I like the best.

    * Physics - I don't give a crap if they're exaggerated, the physics make enemies seem satsifyingly vulnerable, something I've been missing in first person shooters ever since Doom.

    * Some of the weapons - it's awesome to nail stuff to walls with the stake gun for instance and I also liked that spike shooting gun (fires a burst of electricity in alt fire mode).

    * Most of the enemies so far - while nothing spectacular looks wise, I like their attacks and the variety in them.

    * The atmosphere in the medieval town.

    * collecting 100 souls and turning into a demon - I love the glow effect on the enemies.

    What I don't like or what I like less:

    * I haven't quite yet decided whether I really dislike this, but the fact that demon souls seem to be the only health objects means that you have to hurl yourself headfirst into crowds of enemies to get a soul each time you kill one montser - something I wouldn't do under normal circumstances, because it's rather suicidal.
    This makes the frantic in a way I don't like - it's a paradox really, because I love the frantic battles.

    * Linearity - I usually don't mind linear games too much (because I hate getting lost or exiting a map with the knowledge that I most likely didn't clear the entire map), but this is linear in the extreme which is too linear even for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the final game will be less linear but I doubt it.

    * Gold coins disappear - yes, I know it's a retarded thing to complain about, but I find it frustrating if I see a gold coin and it disappears right in front of my nose. Along with collecting souls before they expire, this forces me into rather suicidal "dives" for stupid items (of course, I could just ignore the gold, but then I wouldn't be enjoying the game as much).


    So in short: I think I'm gonna get this baby when it's released.

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    2. dsm


      Assmaster said:

      The action is fast paced and I personally dont mind the linearity. The environments are interesting enough to distract you from it.

      How linear is the majority of the levels? Like the City on Water level or like the two first "regular" levels before the boss arena in the three-level demo?

      I'm not sensitive about linearity in most cases, but the first two maps in the three-level demo was a bit too linear even for me - it really was way too predictable in those.

    3. Amaster


      Well, as you probably know, some (all?) maps are split up into arena-like sections. Some of these sections are practically straight lines. But others have multiple floors and many different passages. And since the enemies are always aware of your location after spawning, some of the more complex sections can get quite hectic as you're being attacked from all sides.

      I only played one of the demos, so it's hard to give you a frame of reference. But as I mentioned earlier, some of the locations are complex enough that you overlook the fact that you're just killing all the narby enemies in order to progress. Also, Im only about half-way through the game. Right now Im in a boss fight with the biggest monster I've ever seen in any video game.

      Edit: Another thing I really like is that, except for bosses, all of the enemies so far die quickly. One of my complaints about modern shooters is tha some enemies take too damn long to kill, which gets boring. I'd rather take on several weak enemies than a couple of strong ones.

    4. dsm


      Assmaster said:

      Edit: Another thing I really like is that, except for bosses, all of the enemies so far die quickly. One of my complaints about modern shooters is tha some enemies take too damn long to kill, which gets boring. I'd rather take on several weak enemies than a couple of strong ones.

      Yeah, that's a thing I like too - enemies don't seem like freaking metal creatures, or your weapons no longer feel like weak peashooters.

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