yay! HOM :3
quite buggy, pretty sure it's impossible to beat in vanilla too
third secret is weird to open, there's nothing pointing to the linedef that opens it
immobile zombieman (thing #12) on a pillar near the start two sectors (sectors #10 and #11, secrets 1 and 2) are marked as secret and cannot be reached without jumping edit: I'm dumb
triggering the first and second secret destroys the map in vanilla
door closes before pinky elevator rises if you press the door switch first
I randomly grabbed a BFG out of nowhere mid-level (sector #232 has the bfg)
yellow key has no way of lowering, meaning this was designed with jumping in mind - same with returning from said yellow key room
texture alignment is quite whacky
might be more bugs in vanilla @monkeymaster69 what source port is this map made for? you need to point that out :P