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About Pancrasio

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  1. @Gusta Puto el que no saque Kama sutra 2
  2. Lost souls are the videogame equivalent of mosquitos. Pain elementals are pure AIDS but at least they grant interesting opportunities for encounter design, I actually like them, while lost souls are simply too basic and have too much health for what they are. Of course any good mapper could make cool shit with lone lost souls (lost lost souls?) but it's easier to do with the other shitheads that spawn them. Archviles are my favorite thing about classic Doom. No more to add. Nazis are the hardest enemy to use in the entire game, even harder than Keens or monster spawners. One day I'll make a map that uses them in a meaningful way, without it being based on Wolfenstein... One day...
  3. Doom 1 and 2, Quake, Half-Life 1, all the classic Mortal Kombats, Metal Gear Solid, Minecraft, Resident Evil (specially 4 and "¡Detrás de ti, imbécil!"), Breath of the Wild (the futuristic shit specially sounds really cool), Ballance (marble game from 2004, I love it), Super Tux (open source Mario clone), Age of Empires 2 (I've never played it actually but the sound effects are just a gift from paradise)
  4. Those guys have good ideas (not when it comes to writing lore lol) but it just isn't Doom, at this point... And it doesn't have to be! So why shove it into Doom?? Do your own thing, your own thing is fine anyways... Or make a new fucking Quake for once, you know, given the setting. Gameplay looks cool at least... And that mancubus, holy shit, that is their best design ever.
  5. I've never owned a single game in that saga but most of my friends did own a copy of Black Ops 2 and I think that one's pretty cool yeah. Everyone likes the boat stage. Can't remember if Nuketown is from that one also, but everyone loves Nuketown as well, what can I say... And, once more, everyone loves the zombie mode, and so do I. Especially Transit, I really like the idea of being in a moving bus with zombies trying to get you, I just do. I understand people getting tired of the same title a million times a year (fuck me if they aren't the same), microtransactions and all that shit, and in that sense I kind of hate them for the damage they caused to the genre (the reason why I choose to be here, in this forum, playing the original shooter of them all, right?), but I won't deny that it is, definetely, a good, fun game. Specially Black Ops 2. (Comingo to think about it, it's kind of the same with FIFA, though that's a bit sadder because there aren't really a lot of different interpretations of Futbol in videogames, a shame as it is the most popular sport in the world. But Fifa is fun).
  6. I definetely see using health bonuses and that kinda shit like coins in a Mario game... So the item count is for additional challenges that aren't hidden, like a tricky jump somewhere in plain view, and secrets... Well, for secret things. Problem could be hiding items in secrets. You need 100% secrets to have 100% items... Maybe you could just use secrets for easter eggs and whatnot and leave all items out of them? Interesting way of seeing it.
  7. Te juro que algún día cuando tenga tiempo y un poco más liberada mi lista de wads, algo tuyo voy a jugar (tu mapa del HCP me gustó bastante)... En fin groso, se ven muy bien las capturas, ¡y testeado por el mismísimo Ribbicks! Vos sos loco che. Felicidades por el lanzamiento.
  8. Traición a la causa revolucionaria, ¿dónde está tu fusil, que no en tu mano? COMPAÑERO DENZEL20 PRESENTE!!
  9. Daaaale Osidian sacate la gorra ¡el piberío pide Denzel! As long as the contribution is left to Post Hell, and Post Hell threads are forbidden to appear in the Popular Now tab, is it entirely a problem? Maybe the problem would be spills out to serious topics, but a way to go could be to grant those accounts access to Post Hell only, and then give them hopes of getting unbanned... What do you say?
  10. Bring back post hell. Make it so we can engage with that kind of shit without having to derail more productive matters, because it is amusing... Think about it, it is a win/win situation, we get our laughs, they get their attention, serious forums are left undisturbed. It is like a bathroom. You will always shit, better have the "shitplace" rather than shit on your bed or the kitchen, know what I mean? If that doesn't sound ideal, we plead for user Denzel20 to get unbanned... On the surface he just looks like any other spammer, but he does actually have an ethic. He only spams in shitty threads that are a lost cause since the beginning. In that way he is actually useful, whenever a shitty thread appears he will have obliterated it already. The only thing left to see is a barren wasteland of copypasta and putrid memes... Another closed topic, very fast, before it harms.
  11. I think I will take a slot. This is actually really interesting. (Give me whatever is free at the moment, I don't really care about which one it might be as long as it isn't map 1 or map 30)
  12. Yo lo re banco al Cutman en esta, muchachos, Los Sinsons y Batman son casos distintos porque son dos cosas hermosas, diyital circus suna poronga
  13. He made a map while bored at school. What did you expect? Of course he's not going to care much about it. Yes you can always use imgur or whatever but if you're posting some crap from school you're not really going out of your way to put that effort in, even if it is minimal. Just have those things in mind for next time, for this one, who cares? Bored at school, make a map, might as well post it for the lulz, move on... I completely get this guy
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