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About Kusogenes

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  1. Are you still interested in this project? I'm dropping out and leaving MAP26 open because of external reasons.
  2. Finished up MAP03: Spider's Den. I believe the health count should be exactly 6000, but considering it was a manual check, I might be wrong. Multiplayer spawns are added in, along with difficulty settings that add more health and ammo. The MIDI used in the map is Super Villains from Maximum Carnage (SNES). https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6h1kr8d4vn8e9dirh9z9j/Spider-s-Den.zip?rlkey=dn2z9xzvnt9xjzimfc1hueoso&dl=0
  3. I've been interested in a project like this for a while now, nice to see it become a reality! I'll take MAP03. Do maps have to fit a certain theme or can they be whatever?
  4. Congrats on the idgames release! Seeing your hot streak of megawads this year has quickly turned you into one of my favorite mappers. However, from what I've played, there seems to be an issue in MAP08, when it comes to the bars blocking the exit. One of the entrances is too wide, and I'm easily able to pass through it. Is this an oversight? Demo of me beating the map in 10 seconds: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jsvh73tj8g8dzrl09xym7/pina_08.lmp?rlkey=70ytzxpp1ujsv2gvv7q9yjoif&dl=0
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