Hey! Thanks for the feedback and video :)
Sorry about the texture problems, I'll probably fix it, I spent an awful lot of time to get it right in this staircase haha.
I'll see what I can do about the BFG, maybe it's a problem with my code, I changed something recently and maybe it broke something? I'll fix it along with the texture problem if I can recreate the problem. The room with the 3 "turret" imps and the caged marine didn't turn out quite right either, maybe I'll scrap it, the idea was to have something a little dangerous to get a bonus, but they're not threatening enough and a pain to kill.
Yeah, I didn't want to make a hard map, but maybe I was too generous sometimes, seeing you play I feel like there's not much tension in the level because of it, maybe I'll tune it down if I revisit this project one day. Also I would have loved to realize that my puzzle with the lava could be so easily cheesed before releasing it hahaha.
Thank you so much for playing!! It's surreal seeing someone I don't know playing it!