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About azy

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  1. Hey! Thanks for the feedback and video :) Sorry about the texture problems, I'll probably fix it, I spent an awful lot of time to get it right in this staircase haha. I'll see what I can do about the BFG, maybe it's a problem with my code, I changed something recently and maybe it broke something? I'll fix it along with the texture problem if I can recreate the problem. The room with the 3 "turret" imps and the caged marine didn't turn out quite right either, maybe I'll scrap it, the idea was to have something a little dangerous to get a bonus, but they're not threatening enough and a pain to kill. Yeah, I didn't want to make a hard map, but maybe I was too generous sometimes, seeing you play I feel like there's not much tension in the level because of it, maybe I'll tune it down if I revisit this project one day. Also I would have loved to realize that my puzzle with the lava could be so easily cheesed before releasing it hahaha. Thank you so much for playing!! It's surreal seeing someone I don't know playing it!
  2. Prison Broke is my first ever DOOM II (and more generally, first video-game oriented) project. It is an adventure set on a map with 4 main different levels that can be tackled in any order you want. There is a shop system where you gain gold by killing ennemies, which can then be sold to a local merchant. Here is a quick in-universe summary: "You are a marine dispatched on a rescue mission to save fellow comrades from the clutches of a research laboratory near an ancient underground temple. Find your way through the demons infesting the 3 main halls of this prison temple that should have never have been awoken, and find some gold to spare at the impromptu shop your colleagues have set up in the main room... There are a lot of treasures to unearth and optional challenges to boot." The different halls have been more less thought out to be completable in any order, although there IS an easier order to follow. Map has been tested on GZDoom 4.10.0 with a DOOM II IWAD. Download link (ModDB) Screenshots: I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! I really want to hear what people think about this, it's not much, and it's a first step in a new world for me, but the only people that have been able to play this until now have been friends of mine, so criticism and advice were limited. I'm happy with the overall result, and I hope you will be too !! Thank you everyone!
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