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Everything posted by Zieleslaw

  1. I should have understood the suggestion that 3 hard to get invulns made, but I just visited the final enemy after I read this topic :). Quite a scene and worthy ending for a map that good and that long! Also, funny how IDKFA is a big spoiler to what you mention ;) .
  2. Just wow. This Boom map has MUCH more trickery than any MBF21 map I've seen. The only bad thing is that this map is... not pretty. But architecture, progression, combat, music are great. Secrets are rewarding and mostly fair or almost-fair. This isn't just about tons of gimmicks (which I love!), it's an entertaining map even without them. And with them? One of the most inspiring WADs I've played or seen. Most likely the most inspiring. It is unusual and long, but the experience is unmatched. Congratulations, @grimosaur.
  3. Great news! Thanks for that. Since episode's 1 OST video got unlisted (even more thanks for not removing it entirely, Peter!), if anyone would miss original Fulfilling Headwear, it's on decino's bandcamp: https://decino.bandcamp.com/album/cyborg-mussels-attack .
  4. I agree with your Kenosis placement decision - I spoilered myself with MAP30 earlier, so I knew it was short (though this music is awesome!) and after MAP29 I thought, a tiny bit let down, "That's how it ends?..." And then Ukiro's map started. And ended. And I was completely satisfied with WAD ending with MAP36 and MAP30.
  5. Your setup, @unraveler, sounds like the one in Decino's Nightmare! analysis video on slow Pinkies. Basically fast Pinky is faster than an arch-vile and blocks teleport destination right below their race track; but Pinky is too fat to move there and trigger linedef releasing hundred arch-viles to the exit. You can watch Decino's stream on Sunder MAP20 - it's second part is NERF showcase. But I'm curious now - how is that related to easier mode WAD and how it can be prevented @Peter?
  6. Thank you all for tortur... showing me, that Nigthmare! is playable and a ton of fun, when map is prepared for it. I adore how much thought went into small details (tips screen, double ammo messages, cast sequence, difficulty selection text and many more). Combined with usage of all Nigthmare! specific gimmics, teenage humor and unmatched music, it all makes NERF a true treasure.
  7. @tmorrow answers that earlier on page 17: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2747622 I found the switches, but I still don't know why this particular order is required. And clearly @Dragonfly and @antares031 want use to find out ourselves :). This WAD is astonishing in so many ways. antares031 says, that MAP32 deserves separate Cacoward on itself - and I fully agree with that, but I also hope he gets his own for MAP24. And @ukiro, please, DO NOT STOP making such maps like MAP36. It was an incredible experience even after two weeks of playing wonderful previous maps. What I also want to praise is your (all creators') activity in this topic and how long the changelogs are - whatever I found problematic or not-so-perfect in RC1 and RC2, I see is already corrected even before final release!
  8. Some voodoo doll trickery is surely done for tracking which altars were used (for skulls, keys and arms) - after you press BFG switch it is checked if you also have any skull key (doesn't work after you get just a keycard). Surely not a bug, but I was also confused at first. I started playing Wormwood 5 as suggested by README, from HNTR. Got to the end, found many rewarding and fair secrets, almost closed the game satisfied... But I wanted to learn more about curse system. The second time around, on UV (curse level went from 0 to 6 from the beginning), I went to mentioned by @Snikle Chasm-like area... which isn't Chasm-like if you go there earlier! This is so incredibly much more replayable than your average DOOM wad. Do I get it right, that only difference between difficulty levels is starting curse level? I'm still in awe, even though I had sky-high expectations from another Wormwood. Ribbiks, GOS, congratulations.
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