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XBOX Doomer

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About XBOX Doomer

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  1. put in your favorite piece of music in any doom game
  2. I'm new to classic doom what does that mean
  3. put in tips for playing classic doom in general
  4. if you had to be one monster from doom 2016 what would you be.
  5. demon cause... got to go fast and if im in a nightmare ill just go faster
  6. in the doom eternal devs react to speedrun video they said some things they saw that they would fix in the next game back in 2020 proving that there was another game planned
  7. didn't know I'm new to doom
  8. Recently I was playing DOOM 2016 when shortly after completing one of the retro areas I died when I shot a hell knight that was a little to close with my rocket launcher and when the death animation played the helmet had the original doom guy face in it. I want to know if anyone else has had this happen to them.
  9. Recently I was playing DOOM 2016 when shortly after completing one of the retro areas I died when I shot a hell knight that was a little to close with my rocket launcher and when the death animation played the helmet had the original doom guy face in it. I want to know if anyone else has had this happen to them.
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