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About ScarlettTheRav

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  1. ok i guess im gonna try to actually do this now lol ive been too alone and bored and have nothing else to do lol
  2. i really like the unity versions soundfont and it sounds great. also, no it is not the exact same as the microsoft gs wavetable synth or whatever its called.
  3. my friend really wants to play doom but he only has a phone and also cant stand using touchscreen controls on delta touch. he used his ps5 controller, and like he was spinning everywhere.
  4. you all have really good replies, thanks for making me appreciate this great game more than i already do
  5. i only play on the hardest of the hardest difficulties such as "im too young to die". although i always die on e1m1 from the radioactive waste at the beginning after you leave the first room
  6. status bar faces, midi music and cacodemon. what do you guys love?
  7. i asked someone to draw them and then i downscaled them to look like something that can be in doom or any other fps from the 90s before quake
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