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About TerryMastermind

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  1. Nvm this has already been done: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=61903
  2. UV is in an entirely different ballpark in terms of difficulty - I was not prepared after speeding through HMP on pistol start, had to do shameful amounts of save-scumming for the cyberdemons on e6m6.
  3. I take amphetamines regularly for their performance-enhancing effects - it makes me a lot better at doom and I'm pretty much always on them while playing. I never got anything out of caffeine.
  4. I'll add it to my speculative bucket list... If I'm paying $5000, I'll need more than just deathmatch and whiskey ;)
  5. I personally don't like voxels, they just don't carry the same detail and charm as flat sprites - the added depth breaks the immersion if you know what I mean, case in point:
  6. BTW, you can also have day of deathmatch with John for €6,666.66 €4,995.95! I'm not sure if anyone has actually bought this.
  7. https://romero.com/shop/p/15min-call
  8. I agree that polygon models are an ill-fit for classic doom. However, flat sprites look bad at extreme vertical angles with OpenGL rendering, a solution that's coherent with doom's aesthetic would be to draw different sprites when viewed from different vertical angles. Hopefully there's someone passionate enough to code this up, I'm not bothered enough to parse through gzdoom's github.
  9. It seems that the cacowards has an anti-memetic effect on me, as such, by simply reading the entry on it, the semantic memory of "Godless Night" being featured has been erased from my mind.
  10. Slooter and also Ashes2063 and Ashes afterglow on modb lol nvm i didnt read the title
  11. This guy gets it. There's just something so stimulating about looping arpeggios that I can't put into words.
  12. as dj khaled said, life is roblox

  13. Nah Doombros.... you've gots it all wrong! It's actually... Demon - hot potatoes Mancubi - BBWs Imps - basketballers shotgunner - femme fatale chaingunner - carlos zombieman - abdullah revenant - LoWang cacodemon - merchant archvile - NBA pro Only Certified Hood LegendsTM will get this 😎
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