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About gemini0

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I ended up doing a lot of stuff for this today, so I'd like to just compile it into a list: Land Mines have been turned into items item code has been reorganized Dynamite has been entirely removed White Wedding reload is done Ice Shotgun wall/platform cubes are now 3D models Plasma Rifle now has a new altfire and a reworked charge mechanic from Xaser's old Parkour mod White Wedding and Assault Rifle have been added to box weapon pulls Assault Rifle is now spawned instead of Burst Rifle (most of the time) from in-world spawners Shotgun Guys (normal ones) now drop the Zombie Shotgun more often
  2. (sprite by @Mengo for Pandora's Wrath)
  3. Sonic x Shadow Generations Digital Deluxe on Steam.
  4. Actors have a BloodColor property that can be set. If making a mod, this makes their blood be colored, including when using NashGore:
  5. GZDoom, since I usually like toying with gameplay mods (and am making my own, but that's besides the point). I also prefer using hardware rendering and mouselook, as the shearing in Doom's standard software renderer makes me sick when using mouselook in ports that have it.
  6. The main post has been updated with new information about what we're doing. Since posting this on its own would be a waste, I'll also take this message to highlight how well NashGore (especially the new NEXT version) goes with Pandora's Wrath. [GIF removed for attachment space.] NashGore NEXT:
  7. It's beautiful... Much smearier, and the new wall decals being opaque is wonderful. I used to use a version of the old Nashgore that made the wall decals opaque to patch the floor ones, and now I'm glad I don't have to!
  8. These two burning barrels in MAP24 can be walked right over if you don't have actors set to be infinitely tall. Edit (with review!): Another incredible mapset! Kinda felt like Nostalgia 1 but a little harder, which is exactly what I hoped for. Aside from the bug above, the whole experience was rock-solid and very fun!
  9. The fact that I know what mapset this comes from is insane (DOOM:ONE). Isn't this the same level that plays a metal cover of Phantom of the Opera???
    As with Scythe 1, most of this megawad is really solid! Fun fights, not too many monsters to handle, adequate resources, and levels that I don't spend an hour and a half wandering around in just to find what switch did what. However, some of the later levels are a bit much, like about half of episodes 5 and 6.
  10. gemini0


    Absolute classic, and a gem of a mapset besides. Last few levels get a bit iffy, but overall very solid!
  11. Finally finished this for the first time. All I have to say is, this was amazing, and once I really got to playing it through properly, I couldn't put it down until I was done. How you managed to make Hurt Me Plenty! feel this hectic is beyond me, and with such a low monster count too...
  12. Just finished it, a bit miffed that you turned off vertical mouselook but I can understand why. Good stuff!
  13. gemini0


    Starts feeling a bit sluggish, but then quickly picks up after MAP01. Just when it starts to drag, it switches it up with a few super-hard ending maps. Very good overall!
  14. gemini0


    Very fun and fair mapset with an excellent ending. I was grinning like an idiot while mowing down the imps and waiting for the rocket to be ready to launch!
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