Me am starting gonna draw art on enemies and NPCs more on the corridor 7 remake idea
Me had energy to draw TWO drawings of enemies
First is the rodex, a Low Tier Enemy that fires low damaging pulse shots. Me even made lore too! Me always wanted to write lore on WHY aliens are invading Corridor 7 me have a small idea but it is not fullu fleshed out, but the rough draft of it is that Solrac is a eldritch alien who enslaves aliens in order to capture worlds, like the Nillanth or Combine from Half Life. The Rodex is one of those species, and one of the weakess, as it is tiny and uses a low recoil weapon. But I also got ideas for rebelling aliens, aliens that ally you and the marines and turning on the other Solrac forces. Kinda like how the Vortigaunts and Rebels in HL2 work together.
This is the Bandor, a another race of enslaved Alien, in the original game it was like the rodex, hunched back and a bit small but not too small as the rodex, so in my rendition, I decided to make the species close to human height. Anyways, they are armed with a better blaster and are able to shape shift into random objects kinda like prophunting. It is more intelligent than the rodex and is able to learn languages like english fast. I figure it'd make a deadly opponent and could act like the spy from tf2. Also I considered the idea of also the Bandors to rebel Solrac and work with humans too. I always liked the trope of aliens and humans working together
anyways that is all