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Everything posted by Grungo

  1. thread for grungo art, so me no make multiple threads and spam
  2. Every day is a meaningless struggle

    1. Patrick_Plays_Doom


      me hope grungo get better

      in all seriousness however, i hope you get better, i do not know much about your problems but i hope you get fixed, i hope you manage to push through it



      hope you are doing well grungo, and that things start looking up for you. you got this bossman.

  3. grungo hope you are all having wonderful day



     me having sad day, me wish me wasnt  sad

  4. grungo want say music in wad AMAZING me hope if there is youtube album release!
  5. huh me not expect to these be found, thank you!
  6. Grungo knows we all know about that one weird doom wad from 1996 the military actually used to train soldiers it was marine.wad it had custom sprites of enemies sounds and dehacked stuff such as automatic shotgun and molotovs. however it seems there was more than ONE map and maybe even more weapons. when Grungo watch cnn news interview on youtube, grungo notice gameplay in backround, it had MORE levels! link to interview Exhibit A as Mr.Jarhead is yappin' away to the lettermen, we notice that a tv is going off in the background , it showcases a stone structure and stairs with custom rail textures. Exhibit B we see a new map (or possible the same map at maybe a different room) where there are actual trees outside and marines are pinned down in a wooden room Exhibit C then in the same room, we see this weapon that wasn't featured in the wad, it looks to be belt fed and me can't make out what is is but grungo bets his sea dollars it might be a SAW belt fed machine gun. Exhibit D we see on near the end of the interview there that this marine is punchin his teammate and we get a better but not great look of the distance where we see more trees grey rock at the end and what looks to be a ditch all and all, grungo is suprised that not many talk about this lost level, but me wonder if someone has the wad? doubt it but it'd be nice what is your thoughts?
  7. grungo like what you did! it feels so classic yet original and modern good job!
  8. grungo think that is awesome idea! me look into that man!
  9. perhaps, grungo would but grungo need time managment practice, but grungo have many thought! many ideas! grungo apologizes
  10. ok, fine, doom 2 long trek back home is a immediate sequel to doom 2, where you backtrack doom 2's levels, where the previous's level exit is now the entrance each map is now changed and map01 is icon of sin while map30 is entryway it's basically backtracking doom 2, but the levels are redesigned in a way imagine that but with doom 1, where episode 1 is hell where e1m1 is dis, and e1m8 is hell keep the final episode would be knee deep in the dead, e3m1 would be phobos anomolie, and e3m8 is hangar
  11. do not get earth tour, man from grease tribe RUIN it
  12. grungo loved doom 2 long trek home, where you backtrack to square one but me wonder if there could be a prequel what if there was "Doom 1 long trek back home" it make sense because doom 2 manual mentions doomguy came crashing down to earth via space crash please someone make this megawad for doom 1!
  13. no, midmoon is mid, decino tribe better
  14. yeah doom 64 make me feel weird feelings too, like that one map, dark citadel where it's long hallways with spear traps, with windows showing the night sky in hell and moonlight being projected inside the building. along with the ambience it really make you think you're trapped in some nightmare world. where it's calm but scary
  15. back in grungo time, we had berry quest, we ate berry for breakfast
  16. grungo cannot comphrehend horrors of industrabunga
  17. grungo ask what mapset give you a immersed feel, and how it make you immersed? like what maps made you feel locked in and felt like it was well done? me like tnt because you feel like astronaut shooting demons off different asteroids and spacestations and caverns
  18. grungo hate bunga tribe





    me not actually hate, hahahaha

  19. happy easter and happy trans day, grungo wishes everyone good day


    me would hand out dino eggs, but me busy

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