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Everything posted by Grungo

  1. unfortunately, me not have time for projects no more, however you can take grungo concept art and ideas he made and use them me wish best of luck
  2. tl;dr I might end up homeless, or have a full time job that limits or outright removes my hobbies
  3. yes, but you see, grungo may not ever make map EVER again, grungo have to find job to fund new home, or else, grungo will be caveless, which means grungo will have find job and grungo never relly worked before, and I must work to survive, and grungo believes that he won't have time for hobbies because grungo will have live on own or with grungo tribe leader, but tribe leader have no job and depressed and grungo fears tribe leader won't do part and grungo have work full time
  4. aw shucks, me not gentleman... me rude brute... BUT ME TRY CHANGE AND ME ACKNOLEDGE THAT I WAS JACK-A-ASSAURUS REX IN PAST but me hope you guys are proud of project, even if it doesn't reach that high in popularity, me will always support I would join plutonite, but me have trouble with future living space as grungo need paperwork for id card, so me can get job, so me guess doom stuff will forever be gone and me not have enough time for fun
  5. lets just say grungo have play map little bit from what he saw and he like what grungo saw
  6. well we invented gear, but wheel isn't finished yet it is a well rounded idea though
  7. me hope you are all having a great day

  8. each demon would have 3 weapons, 1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 melee (and possibly a extra tool depending on the demon) and have traits related to their species (this also includes zombiemen) how would you do it for certain demons?
  9. why not just wait a little bit? you so far ahead, if you not wait for the last few crop grow, harvest bad! give them week, grungo think, me not understand project fully, but if 3 people out of 32 not done and have progress made, maybe it best to wait for them a little bit
  10. you should ask trusted tribe members to be tribe leader of plutonite tribe
  11. grungo think you flint and steel lighting me, ain't no work also how many map need done before release?
  12. good map maybe if grungo makes corridor 7 game, me hire you
  13. grungo made another thread of ideas of corridor 7 but forgot link, it include art
  14. grungo think you weak willed, perhaps have better skill maps are good, you missing out
  15. grungo wrote review for first 4 maps grungo played grungo might make more here is my criticism Map01 Hellions: Grungo think not bad start, but not entirely BIG fan, asethetic wise, it felt too mixed with color but the detailing is nice and me like it, as for combat it hard with many voodoo skeletals, zombies and devils. Weapons were balanced although grungo's tick is giving top notch weaponry very early on in wad, but then again, wad was designed as hard most likely so grungo give it pass Grungo rate Map01 7/10, decent job, not bad but not exactly grungo cup tea. (P.S. Me like doomcute forklift, very nice) Map02: Simple complex: Oh boy! this one is a goodie also a hardie! Grungo got mezzed at the doomcute and geometry, especially at the start where it is blink or miss it deal. combat was very hard and grungo pissed off at slime trap with enemies and archie, grungo didn't get health in pit and grungo curses mapper's crops to wither! but seriously it is good challenge but me hated roof top battle, it too hard and me feel like bfg should've been obtain earlier 8/10. Map03: Waffle City: ... so... so many devils, grungo fought entire hell army! jeeee-SUS! man that was a ride!. took groungo 40 minutes to complete, dunno where begin Grungo basically saw lots and lots of doomcute, very cheeky, but map was difficult but fair. Grungo has tip though, if you are not wimp, collect the three extra keys, it take you to secret level. despite being clusterfuck of madness, grungo think this is a very balanced slaughtermap 11/10, the wad subverted my expectations as soon as I wandered offe starting level, I also think the tanks littered about was interesting. Map31: Traces to Nowhere: this is the first secret level grungo found, it seems to be a nod/reimagining of Suburbs from Doom 2 very similar but different, it doesn't have the baseball field or the imfamous gore building but it's a nice map overall a nice break from the carnage of the last map. but don't let fool you! map still challenging, even at less than 100 spirits! Grungo give map erm... 9/10, lighting could be a little bit brighter


    1. DannyMan


      How are your status updates working, wth??

  17. Grungo thanks you too! you have good day! but hard work is never done in one moon, may take entire ice age!
  18. sorry for lack of update, grungo feel depressed and sad, grungo deal with a lot, grungo have to find a job with tribe elder (my dad) so that way we don't end up caveless, so grungo may go conch-silent many moons


    grungo appricates you all and best wishes. 



      wishing you all the best, grungo! 

    2. Grungo


      grungo very nervous, grungo have trouble talking people, and grungo wonder if grungo can hold job, as grungo never really work before, plus grungo have truble with seasonal allergies and pressure, but grungo hope land job at Roc Donald's but grungo need get ID first

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