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fruity lerlups

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About fruity lerlups

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    idunno what i am

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  1. NewGothic Movement 1, Map01!
  2. im gonna recommend you play Rush, by Archi, its one of my favourites https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rush
  3. i think people really got to realize that "try therapy" is a deeply patronising, presumptuous and naive reply to someone facing mental health issues and to just stop saying it. I genuinely mean it, unlearn the conditioned response in yourself to recommend therapy when someone talks about their mental health issues, and dont get high and mighty when someone gets upset over it, you dont know if theyve already done it, if they can afford it, their access to it, their history with it.
  4. when it costs as much as it does, its just not worth it.
  5. i think people dont empathize enough with mental health sufferers whove had a megative experience with therapists. Ive seen 6 different therapists, and each have judt been me wasting my.money. If youve had a wonderful therapist, im happy for you, but every time i mention that therapy hasnt worked for me im told to "shop around", therapy is the modern confessional.
  6. youre clearly a wonderful father, the job market sucks dont let that get you down, jobs will eat you up and spit you out, but how you love your children matters more, and as you said that clearly is working. Im trying to get out of a really exploitative and horrible job and its honestly as you said, a herculean endeavour, that's not in your control, its not a comment on your character, the economy kinda sucks rn, thats not your fault. Youre a good father and know we got your back k? Sometimes fathers arent really valued these days but just know, as someone who grew up without one, I always look at wonderful fathers with admiration.
  7. map29 the living end, because its not worth seeing the actual end
  8. i wish i did, i'm not friends with anyone, its a depressing corporate environment, i really hate it
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