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About JackDBS

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    Sunder Fan that sucks at Doom
    Junior Member

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  1. Really like the color palette. Can I use it for my own project?
  2. Billions of years of evolution and we come to this.
  3. First Map: Plutonia MAP27 (Anti-Christ) Second Map: Plutonia MAP31 (Cyberden) Desired Slot: MAP28 Would've chosen TEETH.wad as the second choice but seems that's not allowed.
  4. No thanks. I didn't even stop playing TF2 because of the bots, but because the fans are horrendously annoying.
  5. sunder, but only sunder uses it and idk if others are allowed to use it
  6. Sorry about that. It was a bit of a quick fix because I had no idea what to do with it. I’d love to see how you were gonna do it.
  7. This game gonna suck.
  8. @ViolentBeetlecan I get an extension on the time by a day? I’m on vacation so I can’t map until the 12th, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the map out by the next day, depends on how late I get home.
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