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About thomaskingfan100110

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  1. I'm Getting A Nintendo 64 this summer for my setup but my old CRT TVs color is broken and I need a new one CRT TV that is cheap but also great in quality.
  2. I need someone to make me a logo for the movie which is called DOOMGATE :The Ultimate Betrayal if anyone is willing to do that for me.It would be really nice to have the logo look like the something like the original doom logo
  3. sure but what credits though becuase I don't really know that much about doomworld
  4. I working on making the costumes designs and props,but I need someone to make cover of the original doom theme but as a horror theme thats 2-5 mins long. If someone can do that for me I would be thankful for it
  5. the thing is right now i have a small budget for the video because I don't really have experience to making a big youtube video like this
  6. I've been practicing doom speed-running for the past 2 years and I need help getting setup on try to set a record at https://dsdarchive.com/ I'm just wondering if i have to use different source port or something for speed-running
  7. I try to make a doom video.I haven't started filming it yet or written script. I have a story on the video If anyone wants to help out the script I would greatly appreciate it. The story goes like this.... 13 year old boy named Nolan Comes home from school,he goes to his bedroom to turn on his ps1 and his CRT,but when he turns on his CRT ZAP he gets teleported to world of classic doom! UPDATE: I Have Finished the script right here ,but i changed the plot to fit the budget
  8. thanks i just need to know if I had to get permission to do so
  9. i want to be sure I'm able to this video and I don't get in any kind trouble
  10. hold up I'm waiting for a response from bethesda because i ID doesn't really have way to contact them
  11. I tried to email john romero but brenda romero responded saying i would have to ask ID software about
  12. because i am trying to do a video with doomslayer and ID software owns the IP to Doom
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