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About Korsuv

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  1. I really had great time playing your map; I liked this way of leaving the choice to the player to go where he wants, but in reality it was designed and mind to a certain order by the map, otherwise it becomes downright difficult if not impossible. To collect the ammo, you must first go there; To kill the sergeants who are lying in wait, you must go there, etc. - The level design is downright simple and cool, very respectful of the spirit of Doom I; I absolutely loved it. For the secrets, I managed to discovered all of them, but it's not recorded. Because yes, I tried again afterwards because I was frustrated not to get 100% (the good ol' trick to show the blue armor to the player), which shows that I really liked it.
  2. Hello everyone, Around three months ago, I released a complete mod called Kyiv [here]. To briefly remind you of the main points of the mod, it includes 9 maps (8 + 1 secret) in the format "GZdoom: Doom2 (Hexen Format)" which works (tested with) with GZDoom. I took most of my inspiration from the original Doom from 1993. However, I wasn't satisfied with many small details, so I kept adding improvements and fixing bugs. So, here we are after 3 months of slight improvements: - I switched all the mobs and items to Voxels (this is the main change, I would say). - I adapted some monsters that I previously hadn't (like the Spiderdemon). - I added a new episode with only one map, serving as a tutorial! I know it might seem odd to create a tutorial for a game like Doom, but I also use this level as a hub for all the maps of Doom's first episode (you can play directly to e1m7, for example, at the end of the tutorial). I modeled all the maps of the classic episodes (and the Kyiv episode) in voxels to include them in the hub for a fun and appealing user experience. Additionally, I included an easter egg featuring Daisy! - I added a new passive item, a jukebox, that plays random songs from classic Doom or Kyiv. I think people might get bored with the songs I chose for my maps or miss the original Doom songs, which are still absolute bangers! - I added 3 new maps to the Kyiv episode, each with unique themes (one with Minecraft, which may not be the most original, but also one inspired by the hilarious movie "Holy Grail" from Monty Python). This required creating a whole new set of monsters, as well as a new weapon and a new item. But to help you to figure out how it look like, then I made this video: You can download the mod on moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/kyiv Or on the "official" website let's say: https://kyiv-doom.surge.sh/ Any feedback would be obviously highly appreciate.
  3. I wanted to test it, but I think that this wad was unfortunately not made for me, but more for experienced players. I used the "Hey, not too rough" difficulty level, but died plenty of times; I felt lost many times on the map which was too big I think. That being said, I remain admiring of the work accomplished and the quantity of truly mind-blowing details, particularly on the lighting work I would say. In the end I lost my patience and used noclip, but unfortunately I didn't find the end.
  4. Last version of my mod, with Voxel instead sprite, because voxels "rocks"! Lost soul are replaced by drones!
  5. I liked the size of the maps, we are after all on the first maps, supposed to be easy. I played with the possibility of being able to jump, I don't know if that's welcome. Here are some returns in more detail: In the first level, for no reason, this door still locked, whatever I was doing. I don't really know why. In the third level, in the yellow or blue key room, you can jump and see two mars (I guess?) Map 2 : this guy is blocked and useless Liked this use of this patern for your map design In the third level, you can jump on the border of the window and see two mars!
  6. For the blue one, I was thinking to this one (it's in doom 2 sprites):
  7. In fact,I enjoyed it. The fact that it's easy doesn't bother me at all, on the contrary, it allows me to relax and focus on the secrets, to look at the map & chill, and I like that the maps aren't huge (it's a trap I think as a moder of making maps quickly huge); Plus, these are the first levels, so you don't expect a particularly intense difficulty. Seeing that you started with a universe rather faithful to the original Doom, I think that you could have made a mod for Doom I rather than Doom II. Here some other feedbacks: Don't know, but it can feel a bit frustrating to put too many useless doors in whole corridor. A tiny tiny tiny detail, but if I were you I would have put a blue texture between the two bodies of water Was expecting to miss some secret because of this vector behind the door on the map, but apparently not. Strange no? What I like in testing little wad is to discover some mechanisms I didn't know; I didn't know you could make treadmills in doom, it's great!
  8. Quite fun map ; What I liked: - The fact you see from starting point what keys you have to find - The atmosphere - Good items all alongside the progression - Good fighting room - Music is cool What I feel it missed: - designed for only one type of gameplay : shotgun/rocket. Sometime I enjoy to use chaingun and/or melee weapons (berserk/chainsaw) or even some plasma weapons - lack of secrets area (I think you got plenty of obvious spot you could use, like behind waterfall) - I didn't understood why there is nobody in next maps (normal next level and secret ending level); Maybe it still under development? Btw that was a cool run.
  9. Good map. You put few monsters, but enough to install a stressing atmosphere; I like the way you can hear them all around, without seeing them. You feel like on an alien base. I liked some details, like the phone you can trigger and hear that... you are alone.
  10. Hey buddy, tested your wad; Globally I liked it for various reasons: - quite easy (I tried the wad "Cannibal" just before, it was near to impossible to me, and I'm not a try harder, so I appreciate this fluidity of playing) - Of course, it really depends of the person, some players don't like when it's too easy (cf below), but me I prefer appreciate when it's - globally - easy, with some stressful and intense path anyway. Despite the easy, I died twice ;) (the room where waves appears and once in the deadly well, but this one was a stupid move from me. Anyway, that's part of the gameplay! - You made a great work on some mechanisms and details, the video, the lights, and I appreciated it. It's more gzDoom stuffs. - I like how you design some differents atmospheres - I liked the tone you used, you tried to give some atmosphere to the wad (like when you click and you got some video, it's original - well, I am not experimented with wads) - Laocoön point the music was quite repetitive, but I think it fit in fact, it's just because the wad is long, that's all. Anyway, here some things I think you could improve: - For one level, it is too big, you should separate it into several levels. Especially since you have several atmospheres inside, so it would be “enough” to cut them out. I put quotes because it would still be a lot of work. - A little too labyrinthine, It takes a little time to get to grips with the passages. I made lot of go & back to just searching wich were the next step. - I missed some melee weapons, like chainsaw or a berserk kit. In this optics More closely, here with images some feedbacks more detailed on some passages: My stats for this wad: 43 minuts of playing (that's too much for one map) And just 42% secrets spoiler; In the last part, I was surprise that part was not considered as a secret Really like the way how it open; I didn't know that gzdoom was allowing that! Will study your wad probably! I don't know, but be going through this secret passage sound like mandatory to get the red card; If you need to go through there, why is it a secret then? Or maybe red card is not mandatory at all maybe? Also, it's not repeatable, I go a second time in this room, and haven't be able to reuse the teleporter. had to IDCLIP ;-((( Quite frustrating that it was impossible to shot monsters accross some open windows like this one. The same as previsously, I felt into this place, had to IDCLIP to escape, no way to go back That's pretty cool, I like to see when the mod maker put some efforts to imagine the different cases with personalized print. At the start of the map, you got a pinky, but he's stick on his stairs (probably missing some space). free kill by fist, even without berserk. you should remove him, he just suffer that way :D Say hi to this lovely buddy, and I don't want to hurt him despite the big riffle pointing to him on the screenshot!
  11. Dunno how exactly it's working, but I can tell you that if you want to unset jump, you have to add nojump in defaultmap properties, inside the zmapinfo file you put on folder root. Well, I'm not an expert, but I know this method work well so far for my wad. But of course, it work only if you play the wad with gzdoom, not udb !
  12. Yes, I completely understand. I actually made the same mistake, on a smaller scale, mixing sprites from Doom I and Doom 2; But the thing is, from the moment I understood how I could fix it (by getting the name of the sprites and copying them into the right folder), well I did it. So yes, it's true that I didn't have sprites from several Wads (just Doom 2), but on the other hand, I had already made several maps that mixed sprites. And I totally understand that it’s discouraging and boring 42 textures! But on the other hand, it only concerns one map so you just need to take a few hours and it will fix itself. Afterwards, there it is, it's more for you, because the more you have a map that will be easily playable, the more people will test it, it's always nicer. And your map deserve to be known because it's good ;) I also jump and used mouse look! That's an another side effect to play the wad with UDB! People are lazy and will not by themself change the setting for just one wad I expect.
  13. I died a lot (but I'm not a good player!) My opinion, what I liked and disliked: What I liked : - I really like your efforts in the details (the way you try the pattern of textures to create volumes) - the mechanisms of certain rooms are really interesting (the blue key room for example, the secret room which follows the archvile with an A/B choice among others) - Secrets are accessible, it's not too frustrating to search for hours and quickly rewarding - Graphically, it's pretty cool, the green sky matches well - The music is fitting Doom universe, can be a little repetitive but but as you said previously, that's simply because the wad is big The inconvenient: - please respect us, make a standalone wad, not a file you have to open with UDB, loading TNT and blablabla. I could forgive it to a beginner, but you assume that it bothered you to duplicate textures. However, most of the work has been done, so why not complete it 100% to offer a ready-made wad? One of the primary principles of UX is to make things usable. - I found that there were too many dark places; Afterwards it's very subjective there too, I like it when there are a few dark passages, but they have to be well balanced, and they have to offer night vision glasses. I didn't found any, despite it's a good item. - Before the final butchery with the 2 cybers, I was frustrated not to find blue armor to boost my final defense (but that's a detail) - the last room, we see that you spent some time there, but honestly, I'm not sure that it adds much (plus it's bathed in darkness, we don't even benefit from it) - the sprites you added are nice, but for example I don't know how you did it, but the skull-candle is almost invisible from a certain angle (well after that it's the gzdoom engine I guess?) There you go, overall had a good time, and impressed by the amount of work. Et si tu as envie d'avoir des feedback FR, check du coté de ce forum peut être : https://doomfrance.forumactif.com/ (le forum est graphiquement pourrave on va pas se mentir, mais il semble plutôt actif)
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