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Everything posted by hobomaster22

  1. Yeah it looks like the code that set the player angle in A_Saw got messed up. Maybe I subconsciously kept the chainsaw broken in some way to mess with @Darkcrafter07 :)
  2. Currently the descriptions only exist in the console. So if you type game.bumpuse in the console and press tab you will get a description. This one only exists so my daughter can play doom with nothing but moving the mouse :) Monster closet detection checks for monster closets and minimizes their affect on the CPU by running dumbed down routines and won't render them until they spawn. Vanilla movemement physics emulates the vanilla behavior where the player's velocity isn't cleared when bumping into things, where in GZDoom it correctly applies the slide physics when you hit a wall.
  3. Helion There is a lot in this release. A ton of performance enhancements, new features and bug fixes. The first thing you will notice is an improved crosshair. Helion now has different crosshair types and options to play with including different colors, scaling, and transparency. The performance for CPU runtime handling and GPU increase for static data has really added up and make up for significant improvements, most noticeably on low end hardware. The Radeon HD8400, which is the current low end benchmark GPU from 10 years ago really benefits from these changes. I haven't done a full benchmark for this release but Summer of Slaughter MAP32 previously benchmarked at 52FPS overlooking the map, and would drop to about 40FPS during gameplay. With these changes it stays consistently above 50FPS during gameplay. You could play all of Sunder on this 10 year old garbage hardware at this point. More compatibility support: vile ghost, explosion, sector sound, and final doom teleport compatibility options. There was some great pull requests in this release as well. Not sure if they are members here, otherwise I would note them here. The relevant pull request links are in the change log above.
  4. Thanks! I just fixed the issue you reported. I've been testing for the next release and it has a lot of great things I'm excited for. Should be out this weekend.
  5. I've added a Cumulative Global Statistics menu option on development for the next release.
  6. Doom Launcher could work but needs the same attention as UDB. Someone had Doom Launcher running through Proton and I did fix a few issues that came up, but haven't heard anything about it in a while. I only use Windows but I would attempt to fix more issues if someone attempted and reported them. I do have a Ubuntu install but it only exists to do some quick verification. With that Helion does have built binaries available on GitHub for Linux. I ensure it runs on Ubuntu before release.
  7. Last missing piece appears to be the just attacked flag that Doom sets. The player think modifies the tick command for the player to pull them forward when it’s set.
  8. There is practically nothing moving at this snapshot. I profiled Helion and almost 40% of the CPU time was consumed purely by just rendering sprites. Out of curiosity I added some quick test code to see exactly how the counts work out and here is the list: The bullet casing caught my attention. I think this one is because this map has an encounter with hundreds of chaingunners that also get resurrected by archviles later. I never really processed that their firing was ejecting shell casings but that appears to be a huge culprit in this example. It also throws hundreds of cacos at you towards the end that I ended up spamming with the BFG which is probably the worst offender overall.
  9. I enjoy this a lot and had some thoughts. Recently I was playing MAP23 of Doom 2 in City Only. Gigantic open map that starts with 3k monsters and I slap SD21 on top because Helion can handle it. However, problems arise later with a lot of the gore and ammo casing type things that stick around forever. As the map went on the 1% lows were steadily going down and I did some profiling. Towards the end of the map Helion was processing 18k sprites to render which accounted for nearly 40% of the CPU processing. I'm thinking these types of things could have a tic duration (maybe one minute?) so that they will get destroyed eventually.
  10. Thanks for the report. I have fixes for the texture animations and MAP42 endcast. I'm not able to reproduce the last two issues. The music and and their intermission screens seem to working fine testing MAP33, 34, and 35. So that's interesting.
  11. I've been in the middle of upgrading to .NET 8 and cleaning up some things. Previously, the project was flagged to allow preview versions that would allow for features outside of the targeted version. This was required early on for our development when .NET core was new and was forgotten about. I just pushed all my changes to dev should everything should correctly target .NET 8.
  12. If we are going down the path of turning on esoteric bugs as features, UMAPINFO should mimic the ZMAPINFO method of toggling individual compatibility options and leave COMPLVL alone.
  13. With that Helion added COMPLVL support in
  14. Helion For anyone that has already setup Helion, you will likely want to go into the mouse settings and turn off interpolation if you have not already. This setting was mistakenly on by default. Thanks to @CacoKnight @S3M_XM @bofu @dr.dendrite for the reports. This has been extremely helpful in making Helion a better port.
  15. It appears you are correct. I normally don't play with bobbing, but I did some moving around with it on and it does seem off. I will also disable mouse interpolation being on by default in the next update, not sure how that happened but it seems like a mistake.
  16. Looks like this didn't get updated when dealing with unmanaged 7zip and rar files. I will have it fixed for the next release.
  17. I had some time this morning to look at this and assumed the issue was with Dominus Diabolicus MAP30. The main issue is that ZMAPINFO is prioritized higher than UMAPINFO in Helion, but the equivalent functionality to handle custom SpecialActions to match UMAPINFO bossaction is missing. I will add that functionality. It also appears that for medium difficulty the final area has both the normal archvile and the custom archvile set for medium and they are overlapping.
  18. Dang, Helion taken down by chairs. I see what the problem is with chairs. The alert sound playing in a loop is going to take some digging. Thanks for the details, I should be able to have these fixed soon.
  19. The audio thing sounds strange. The settings page is scaling those settings but the underlying configuration is 0.0 = 1.0. Going to remove that whole thing. Also the things seem to drop down when on a fast lift despite having Infinitely Tall Things setting on: I am not understand this one, need some more explanation. The vanilla missile height collision's explosion isn't infinitely tall despite the setting on: Are you talking about the explosions ignoring the z value and always damaging as long as they are within the x/y range? This should always happen in Helion and there is no setting for it. I'm not even sure GZDoom breaks this functionality.
  20. I have a fix for the HUD. This has shown up in a couple wads. I see whats going on with the intermission. It always tiles because it assumes that it is a flat like the original game. Boom ports must have something to allow for non-flat images. Should be an easy add so I can put that in. I also took a look at the monster infighting and the main issue appears to be a mistake in the initialization not setting the monsters threshold to the default threshold. I should be able to have these addressed in a bug fix release this weekend.
  21. There is no support for high resolution textures or models.
  22. There is no separate control for player bobbing vs the weapon. I didn't know of any ports that separate these. What are some ports that currently do this and what do they call the variables? I could add it int he next release. Typing commands in the console will dump all available commands. The automap colors are defined here. They are defined for OpenGL but multiplying the numbers by 255 would give you the 8-bit RGB values.
  23. Thanks! Another thing to keep in mind is if you have a G-Sync (and probably Freesync) capable monitor turning off VSync and capping the framerate to something like 200fps will make it more feel more responsive. I have a G-Sync capable monitor disabling VSync has a noticeable difference for me in the display latency.
  24. If you have some examples of dates that look legitimate and fail to parse I can add them in. Not sure what can be done about parsing MM/dd vs dd/MM dates in text files. User entered values from their culture makes this ambiguous and it has no way of knowing whether 4/3/23 means April 3rd or March 4th. I put in some changes to make the light theme look more like the original. You can check it out here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/hobomaster22/doomlauncher/builds/49538090
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