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About elf-alchemist

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    Master Levels Apologist
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  1. Why Grungo, why tease us like that? Now I need a full player sprite sheet for all rotations and states.
  2. that's 1 (one) feature of Freedoom. a "free, as in freedoom" license is a major point of Freedoom's very existence. not just a "free, as in free beer" iwad to replace doom.wad/doom2.wad/tnt.wad/plutonia.wad.
  3. Oh hey it's my friend, @ZNukem! I love the work he's putting into Luke Ken 3D, but yes, he's also working on Freedoom Scoops.
  4. I'm liking this :) Incredible mix of assets you have made, I'm very partial to Freedoom so I love it. Thanks for actually making use of BRGHTMPS :D one of my favorite most underused lumps.
  5. I LOVE THIS! I have been too much a Master Levels apologist as of lately, with me own Masterpack project and all that. I'm loving the reinterpretation, haven't actually finished it yet since I'm so excited, but I can already see Tim Willits' and Chris Klie's style influencing what's already made. Tight techbase packing a relatively small number of enemies in a much efficient setup feels like it makes Klie's style quintessentially perfectly. Upping the heat is definitely good here, the Master Levels needed a higher challenge.
  6. Can confirm that SLADE version 3.2.5 is on DRDTeam APT repository, available on really any Debian-based distro. Also here to report Eternity, Odamex, (G/L/Q)ZDoom and Zandronum are also available in here. All packages available:
  7. Rest In Peace, Kabosu. She was a real one.
  8. never heard the trashcan most claim to hear. i liked it when i heard it first. found some appreciation to it after a while when i wasn't being told by others to hate it.
  9. I love Grungo Can't say I never made mistakes like that, and I know very closely how Grungo must've felt this entire time, to be honest I forgive Johnny
  10. A new update has been a long time coming, huh? After some setbacks in my personal life, I come with an update because, yes, this project will see a full release Soon Enough™. I'm entering a stage of major rewrite of the code, from scratch, possibly simplifying this to it's simplest possible solution. For the more savvy: Definitely! If I can get the software needed to run on Linux via Wine, it's over and done. I'm now also thinking about using Freedoom music in the Freedoom TC, as well. Hopefully it won't take forever for me to figure out the selection here. Freedoom has some amazing music. I have completed the musical selection for the PSX TC add-on anyone who is interest in trying it out before the beta or full releases, you can download the latest here. Here be the choice as of right now, changes are still possible before full release: And in from the original track listing perspective:
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