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About DoomHK

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  1. Sorry I was answering another person for some reason it quoted your post, and thank you for referring the doom eternal section
  2. Yes it depends where you live and the mail office situation but they all out now
  3. Yes I do,as a fan anything has Doom on it its for me but I still like the previous one that LRG did for Doom
  4. Just got my baby today, its really cool, if anyone interested to buy one its from : https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/index.php?l=product_detail&p=11291
  5. Just got my new collector from Limited Run games after a year waiting and I have to say I love it, specially the Steel box Here are some images hope you like it and by the anyone else got it ?
  6. Hi all

    Hope you all have a great Holiday and Merry Christmas to all

  7. Yes I did get this and the new one just came in yesterday
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