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About KnievilRoo

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  1. garage way!@! Im a fan of joke wads and also an emo enjoyer so this was great
  2. here is the first version of my map! (heavily inspired by Barnett Newman) also the second one iv ever completed so far https://drive.google.com/file/d/171np1hdJuGjIc9q_rWj4i3EkneZRV6dB/view?usp=drive_link UDFM and tested for gzdoom (although everything is possible without free look or jump) Ill prob change somethings further as the due date approaches :>
  3. There is alot of art that was made recently that is that style Look up "dreamcore" or "weirdcore" most of them are used in video edits so there is some good free stuff out there
  4. i had the same issue trying to register this account a week ago, i ended up having to use the google sign in
  5. Honestly I love the gimmick its fun and its not forced, however the internet is a far harsher place then it often needs to be and any anger directed towards a person is multiplied tenfold. Caveman good but if it hurts you brain you can be normal man
  6. Ill bite! Sounds fun and gives me a reason to finish the one im working on now :>
  7. I really like the color pallet you used in bad habit! although I found it hard to navigate quickly when many of the key card doors had no indication that they are locked, blue lights would have helped imo but the game play was awesome, you hit a good balance of enemies for blasting with the super shotgun. I also loved the hallway with the alternating lights it looked really neat :>
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