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Everything posted by TheGuy

  1. Ok wtf I just duplicated the wad and the copy works
  2. I made this weapon (not the sprites, just the decorate) and it won't appear in game. It's pretty weird since it's pretty much a frankestein of other weapons I've made, and they all work pretty fine. It's for Hexen btw. Trident.zip
  3. Damn I'm an idiot, it's not even the first time I make this exact mistake. Thanks so much dude
  4. I solved it, kinda. It still doesn't spawn in game, but at least it sees it as an existing actor. Attaching the file in case ya'll want to look at it or do something with it (also contains the credits for the sprites) HEXRESOURCE.zip
  5. Haha yeah I'm playing the mage. Thank you for the help tho. Unfortunately I'm pretty new to modding hexen, more used to doom lol.
  6. I tried that like 2 minutes after posting lol. Still doesn't work unfortunately. Also yeah I'm using the vanilla classes. Here's the new decorate:
  7. I'm trying to add this weapon to hexen, but when I try to spawn it in game it says the actor doesn't exist. Here's the DECORATE for the weapon + the projectile
  8. Thank you! Everything seems to be alright tho, it's all in the same decorate lump. I'll ask this question in the right place now tho.
  9. I'm trying to add this mod to hexen but when I try to spawn it it says the actor doesn't exist
  10. Post here any bad/ugly sprites, textures or anything like that. I'll start
  11. Yeah that was my idea originally, kinda hard to find the entire spritesheet tho, still working on it.
  12. Hello, I'm making a Lovecraft inspired WAD. Currently making a section where I need some Deep Ones as enemies (basically magic fish people), are there any sprites that would fit the "fish person" archetype? I've already searched on Realm667, and the best I could find is some stalker (from hexen) variants. I'm looking for a monster that can walk tho, which stalkers can't do.
  13. Basically, I'm looking for wall textures that make up giant monsters, like the icon of sin in doom 2.
  14. I fixed it btw, don't know how, just kinda works now.
  15. I do, and what's weird is that the file on it's own works just fine. Like, if I put the weapon wad in GZdoom and give myself the weapon, it's sound works just fine. I also tried deleting the files of the machinegun from my Wad and then getting them again straight from the wad, but they still don't work when it comes to sounds.
  16. I changed my GZdoom version like 5 days ago, so I assume I have the latest version. All other sounds work just fine.
  17. It straight up doesn't play when I fire the gun in game, idk why.
  18. I didn't type it, but I did double check and as far as I can tell all names are correct.
  19. All the files mentioned (Sounds, Sprites and files) are in the wad, nothing's missing NOTE THAT I DIDN'T MAKE THIS WAD The DECORATE: The SNDINFO:
  20. Thank you, that worked. Do you know where I could find informations like that in the future? The ZDoom wiki is weird to navigate when it comes to highly specific stuff like this.
  21. (I'm using ultimate doom builder in Doom 2 UDMF) Ok so I know how to spawn an actor that's already in the game using the "spawn thing" command, but how do I spawn a custom actor that I added to the wad? It doesn't appear in the option when I have to select the "Thing Type".To clarify, I'm trying to make it so that said custom enemy spawns in a Map Spot once I wald over a line. Here's the custom monster I'm trying to spawn
  22. Title says it all, I'm looking for some lovecraft-esque wads, partial conversions are prefeared. And if there aren't any, do you guys know any assets that I could use to make a Lovecraftian wad myself? (Already planning on using some of the monsters from FreeDoom)
  23. Hello everyone, do you guys know any zombie themed wads/mods? I'm precisely looking for something centered around horror and maybe resource management? (think like resident evil) And yes, I've already played Codename HANK
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